Home & Garden Cleaning & Laundry

Correct Gas Grill Setup With Ceramic Coals

    • 1). Raise the grill lid and lift out the cooking grates while wearing work gloves to protect your hands from sharp edges.

    • 2). Remove the lava rocks or other heating material inside the grill above the burner, then lift out the grate over the burner.

    • 3). Sweep out debris from inside the grill and around the burner with a whisk broom, then replace the grate over the burner.

    • 4). Place ceramic coals in a single layer on the grate above the burner so that the edge of each ceramic coal touches the coals adjacent to it. Do not stack the ceramic coals.

    • 5). Place the cooking grates on the grill and close the cover. You are now ready to cook with the ceramic coals.

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