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All About Aerating Your Turf

The process of aeration is one that needs your careful attention.
Aeration is where you use a blower otherwise known as an aerator to loosen the surface as well as the soil on your lawn.
The basic thing to achieve here is to bring up small pieces of mud or soil that maybe obstructing proper root growth.
You will not only need to select a good time to aerate your lawn but will also have to take care of a lot of specifications for your turf grass.
The first step is to determine how tightly packed the soil on your turf is.
You can do this by cutting out a small section of the turf and checking the depth of the roots in the soil.
If the roots are not too deep say about an inch or two long, this means that aeration is needed for your soil.
Before you aerate you can also try increasing the crop size of the grass as you mow your lawn.
Let it stand for a month and note any improvements.
Using a good fertilizer after testing the soil also helps.
Water the lawn well a day before you do the aeration.
Do not do multiple rounds with the aerator.
You may end up damaging the turf.
Also the cores (little pieces of soil) may get displaced which in most cases break down and help nourish the soil.
You have the option of calling in someone to do it also.
If you are not comfortable with the idea of calling in help then it is just as easy to do by yourself also.
An aerator is usually the same size as a lawn mower and operates in a similar fashion.
You can also rent one if you are not so keen on buying one as you will use it once or twice a year to the maximum.

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