Health & Medical Parenting

The Day Nursery - How to Organise the Child"s Integration

It's now the moment to go back to work, the post-childbirth period made it possible to pass some precious time together with our child but...
the resumption of work also means preparing the child to detach from his or her first reference figure: us.
Due to the many variables that can stimulate emotional stress, starting the day nursery the day nursery has to occur gradually, respecting the child's times.
In order to facilitate this process, it is a good idea to do some work in advance, a few weeks before the beginning date you could take some daily walks along the route that you will take to reach the crèche.
Children, if they are still little, when they are seven to eight month, can recognise spaces around them.
So, walking along that road is a way of making the child familiar with the route, giving a sense of serenity and confidence.
We can show the child something that can strike his or her imagination, for instance, a fountain, a bell tower, a train or a tram passing in the surroundings.
These are small aspects that little boys and girls also pay attention to and help them identify a place with something nice and reassuring.
Every day, we can go further on, and physically show the child the crèche building, describing to him or her the colours, windows, roof and finally cross the crèche threshold.
Then, on the established day, there is the real entry: a variable period of few days, during which the child will come into contact and familiarize him- or herself with the environment, the games and educators.
Each structure has its rules, which are communicated upon admission and which the child will get to know.
Usually, the first day the child will stay in the crèche only for one hour and, day after day, time will become longer and the absence of mom will be "tested".
This is the most delicate moment and children's reactions are different.
Some become inured immediately, others need longer.
For sure, showing our child that, during the first days, we are not there for short periods and then are back, will give the child a lot of confidence.
Starting the day nursery tends to create less problems than nursery school.
Younger children can adapt themselves more easily, but if the child shows some serious difficulties of inclusion, consider, if necessary, the possibility of leaving the child with a nanny or a grandparent until he or she is ready.

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