How to Find a Dutailier Model Number
- 1). Look for a white label on the frame of your piece of Dutailier furniture. It may be under a cushion or on the underside of the base.
- 2). Call or visit the Dutailier retailer who sold the furniture to you, or contact another local authorized Dutailier retailer, and provide a description of the furniture or a picture. If necessary, supply information about when and where you purchased the furniture to determine the model. You can find the nearest authorized retailer by going to the Dutailier "Locate a Retailer" website and entering your five digit Postal or ZIP code into the field provided, selecting a circle next to the type of store that you need and clicking the "Find" button
- 3). Contact Dutailier by phone or by using the contact form on the company's website if you still can't find the model number. If you use the contact form, fill in as much information as you can, such as the serial number, if known, and a description of the furniture piece.