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Use A Top Wordpress Seo Plugin To Avoid Seo Mistakes

Getting your on page Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) right is not the most exciting of tasks, as a result mistakes and errors can creep in. For WordPress users it can be made much easier with a WordPress SEO plugin called SEOPressor which can do much of the work for you.

On page SEO is important because this is the process by which you ensure that the search engines understand what your page is about. The search engines must see your page as relevant to the search query or it has no chance of being displayed.

In terms of the factors the search engines consider when ranking pages in the search results, off page SEO carries more weight but this does not mean that on page SEO is not important. It is, in fact, the basis for all your SEO activities and optimising your on page SEO will mean that you need to do less off page SEO (link building) to get high rankings.

So, you have decided on the primary keyword you wish to target your page or post towards and you write some good content that will be of interest to visitors to your site. You can add a WordPress SEO plugin to help configure your on page SEO, the most popular being All In One SEO Pack, however it is still easy to make mistakes such as the following:

Not putting the keyword in the URL
Not including the keyword in the title and the h1, h2 and h3 tags
Not including the keyword in the content frequently enough
Not adding a graphic
Not using internal linking
Not using external linking.

What you should really do is produce a checklist of all the things you need to do and then run through this after you have completed each page or post. This would include things like counting the number of times you have used the keyword and dividing this by the total words to establish the keyword density.

This is actually a task ideally suited to automation which is where the WordPress SEO plugin SEOPressor comes in. This checks your on page SEO each time you update your page and gives a score for the SEO together will a list of suggested improvements. This is much quicker than checking yourself and because this WordPress SEO plugin prominently presents the results on the WordPress dashboard they are difficult to ignore.

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