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Learn How to Make Him-Her Spend More Time With You

This question is asked often among people in relationships.
They want to know how they can make their partner spend more time with them.
While there isn't a direct science to getting someone to spend more time with you, there are things you can do to lessen the pain of loneliness if this is what you are feeling.
Sometimes it's difficult to tell why a person suddenly refuses to call you or spend more time with you.
Their actions leave you feeling lonely an unwanted.
What can you do to demand more of their time? Here are a few suggestions to help.
  1. Try to understand why they are not spending time with you.
    It might be due to a demanding boss or hectic work schedule that is taking up much of their time.
    They may want nothing more than to spend more time with you, but at them moment they are not able to.
  2. You may need to face reality.
    It's quite possible that the person just doesn't want to be with you any more.
    By making themselves unavailable to talk to you, may have freed their time up to look for someone else.
  3. It's possible that they may be completely unaware of their actions.
    In this case, just talk to them to let them know that you'd like to start spending more time with each other.
    The outcome can end in two ways; the person could wake up and realize what they've been doing or they will explain to you the real reason why they don't want to spend time with you.
  4. Instead of sitting around waiting for the other person to call you, get busy and start participating in your own activities.
    Learn to enjoy yourself doing things you love.
    This will minimize the stress that's put upon you.
Remember, for a relationship to be successful, both people have to put energy into the relationship.
If you are the only person who wants the relationship to work, it won't work out.
Lastly, be sure that you are respectful of the other person's demands on their life.
They may just be overwhelmed.

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