How to Bring About Discipline in Your Child
Every now and then parents face this dilemma of having to discipline their child.
This discipline is what makes the child into fine young individuals later on in life.
However that takes an enormous amount of patience and perseverance on the parents part to get the child disciplined.
Children by nature are free spirits and would want to have all sorts of freedom.
You as a parent also do not want to restrict them into binding rules.
There ware always two sides to the coin so total restriction will not be very good for them as well total freedom.
There is fine balance between the two that you need to achieve.
The golden rule as a parent for you is to first think about what kind of habits are good for the child and what are not.
Then make sure that initially you observe the kids for the first few days and understand the nature of the child.
Then also understand as to what are his behavioral tendencies.
Make sure you understand how well he or she responds to scolding and appreciation.
Then with all this things in mind you need to develop a long term discipline plan for the kid.
For each type of indiscipline you need to observe where he is going wrong.
Then approach slowly each problem and try to correct it.
For thing that he becomes obstinate about make sure that you have appropriate response.
At the outset never indulge into a shouting match with the child.
That give and impression to the kid that he is powerful and you are powerless.
Try to be calm in any give situation.
Be firm when telling your child that his behavior is not acceptable.
Never leave it at that statement but try to explain to him why the behavior is not acceptable.
Be very cold and matter of fact when telling him that.
He will understand that you mean business.
Hopefully after a few such conversations he will start to relate to what you are saying.
If he does not understand even then give mild forms punishment but never go extreme.
Most kids start behaving at that time.
If not, then you need to take help of a child psychologist for appropriate treatments and therapy.
This discipline is what makes the child into fine young individuals later on in life.
However that takes an enormous amount of patience and perseverance on the parents part to get the child disciplined.
Children by nature are free spirits and would want to have all sorts of freedom.
You as a parent also do not want to restrict them into binding rules.
There ware always two sides to the coin so total restriction will not be very good for them as well total freedom.
There is fine balance between the two that you need to achieve.
The golden rule as a parent for you is to first think about what kind of habits are good for the child and what are not.
Then make sure that initially you observe the kids for the first few days and understand the nature of the child.
Then also understand as to what are his behavioral tendencies.
Make sure you understand how well he or she responds to scolding and appreciation.
Then with all this things in mind you need to develop a long term discipline plan for the kid.
For each type of indiscipline you need to observe where he is going wrong.
Then approach slowly each problem and try to correct it.
For thing that he becomes obstinate about make sure that you have appropriate response.
At the outset never indulge into a shouting match with the child.
That give and impression to the kid that he is powerful and you are powerless.
Try to be calm in any give situation.
Be firm when telling your child that his behavior is not acceptable.
Never leave it at that statement but try to explain to him why the behavior is not acceptable.
Be very cold and matter of fact when telling him that.
He will understand that you mean business.
Hopefully after a few such conversations he will start to relate to what you are saying.
If he does not understand even then give mild forms punishment but never go extreme.
Most kids start behaving at that time.
If not, then you need to take help of a child psychologist for appropriate treatments and therapy.