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Antigua Holidays - Daytime Activities For All the Family

Once you are in Antigua you know you are surrounded by water.
Therefore, you and your family will want to get to the beach.
Well there are beautiful white sand beaches that are extremely inviting.
Therefore, the first activity perhaps that you with your family are going to be most involved in is sun bathing and swimming.
Daytime activities for the family can be categorised as water based, land based excursions.
Starting your holidays with the water based activities like swimming and sunbathing is already mentioned .
You can go boating, snorkelling, fishing, kayaking and wind surfing.
So depending on how old your children are, you with your family can participate in any of these activities.
There are also glass bottom boats from which you can see marine life as it exists in its natural habitat.
You can also take the family on a sailing excursion but make sure you have a guide along with you.
There are a number of rocky areas and only the locals know their location.
Wind surfing is one sport that the whole family can enjoy and the youngsters can be taught the basics of wind surfing also.
You can travel around the island in a water taxi or pay a visit to the other islands.
Travelling more on water than on land is something that the family is going to enjoy.
West Indians love cricket and Antigua has produced some of the finest world level cricketers.
Therefore, you can go and watch a cricket match with the rest of the Antiguans.
If it is an international match, you can be sure that the stadium will be packed.
Other than cricket, you can take the family for cycling, riding, or bird watching.
There are golf courses and tennis grounds also.
You can take the family on a number of excursions.
These range from helicopter excursions to classic jeep tours.
There are excursions through the tropical forests of Antigua and there are sea safaris.
Therefore, depending on your family's interests, you can plan the daytime adventures.
You can visit the towns and villages of Antigua, which should be quite thrilling.
The people of Antigua are friendly and love holidaymaking.
Therefore, wherever you and your family go you will find the people helpful and friendly.
There are children's parks and plenty of activities for the very young too in Antigua.
Depending on the type of Antigua holiday that you want your family to have in Antigua, you can find suitable daytime activities.
Being a sunny, tropical island most of your holiday time will be spent on the beach and in water based activities.
You might make a daytime excursion just as a diversion.
However, one thing is for sure, young children never get bored on a beach.
Given a chance to enjoy on water scooters, or wind surfing is going to keep the family occupied for days.
Before you know it, your holidays will be ending and the family will want to stay on.

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