Health & Medical Lose Weight

Getting Support For Your Weight Loss

As the holidays approach we are annually bombarded with ads for weight loss programs, diets and clinics to help take off the extra pounds that we are expected to gain over the season of festivities.

Many people take the opportunity of a New Year's Resolution to make the decision to join a weight loss group program for support in their efforts to lose weight or at least begin a healthier lifestyle.

While many people dismiss the idea of joining a support group style health program, most will find that this is just the motivation they need to stick to a regimen of healthy dieting and exercise.

Support and Peer Pressure

The major weight loss clinics that require attendance at regular "meetings" to weigh in and get one on one counseling in their weight loss goals are actually the most successful and sustainable of the weight loss programs. People who find success with this style of weight loss aid are usually the type that needs the motivation of subtle peer pressure to keep them on the program.

Clients will attest that knowing that they will have to get on a scale at the end of the week is a strong motivational tool, when just doing it for themselves seems to lose its urgency after a few weeks. The ultimate goal is the same, the patient is there to lose weight and if it takes the praise and pressure of a group environment to accomplish a healthier lifestyle, so be it.

The support group style of weight loss clinic is also just that - a support group. It is much easier to engage in a program of diet and exercise knowing that you are with others who are struggling toward the same goals as you are. The group is with you to cheer on your achievements and help revive your drive to succeed in your weight loss goals when there is a setback. The group will be lead by a clinical dietitian who will initially be conducting weekly "classes" to teach the participants about the foundations of metabolism and nutrition, in addition to providing one on one advice about dieting as the weeks go by and a pattern of weight loss or gain is being established for each participant.

A possible drawback to this style of weight loss program is that many participants find that they have to remain in the program for most of their life. Not necessarily on a weekly basis, but most participants will find that they must still attend meetings at a regular interval to stay in tune with updates to the nutritional information and to stay motivated to maintain their new healthier lifestyle.

Remember, this type of weight loss program works well for a certain type of individual with a particular type of personality. Since the core personality of the participant is not going to change after the weight is lost, the continuation of attendance in the program may become a way of life to maintaining a healthy weight. Fortunately, most find friendships within the program structure that last a lifetime!

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