Home & Garden Architecture

DIY Marble Mortar

    • 1). Add six parts sand to the mixing container. The mortar will set quickly without the benefit of the slow curing agents used in proprietary thin-set mixes from hardware stores, so only mix as much at a time as you can use in approximately 10 minutes.

    • 2). Mix one part Portland cement to the sand, then add one part hydrated lime. Mix the combination thoroughly before adding water to the mixture.

    • 3). Prepare the surface onto which the marble will be set. Because of the speed with which the medium-set mortar will cure, it is critical to have everything ready to go before you begin.

    • 4). Add water to the mixture until it has the consistency of peanut butter when completely mixed. To apply the mortar, use a hand trowel with a notched side to obtain the necessary 3/16 inch depth, then quickly place the marble on the mortar bed and press it into place.

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