Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Holistic Approach To Rheumatoid Arthritis Management

The major challenge  for persons diagnosed with Rheumatoid arthritis is how to deal with the pain and deformity brought about by its major symptom: stiffness, swelling and inflammation of the joints. This condition occurs on people aged between 25 and 55 years.  We consider  this as prime and productive age where individuals pursue their career, settle down and raise a family. Whilst Rheumatoid arthritis is not considered a life threatening disease, the chronic nature of its symptoms and the resulting restrictions to ones freedom of movement will have a huge impact in the patient's quality of life. Therefore, sufferers must find a way to deal and live with the pain in order to live life to the fullest.

There is no cure for Rheumatoid arthritis, fortunately, there are a lot of things that can be done to alleviate the symptoms. It is recommended  that a holistic approach must be utilized in planning the management of the  condition where the physical,  emotional, and social well being is considered.

Physical Well Being

Anti-inflammatory drugs are used to address the pain of the joints during the active phase of the disease. In the past, NSAIDs (Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) are widely used but long term use is not very friendly to the gut. Newer drugs such as the Cox-2 inhibitors offer effective pain relief without  the harmful side effect on the stomach and the formulation of DMARDs (Disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs) is proving to be very beneficial in managing the symptoms. DMARDs is a combination of different drugs that aims to relieve pain, reduce swelling, delay the formation of deformities, and keep remissions longer. For those sufferers who have a certain degree of deformity and movement limitation already, there are many assistive devices available to promote independence while maintaining safety.

Stress reduction and exercise is very important to keep the sore body parts “awake”. To minimize stress, one can explore effective breathing techniques, guided imagery,  body massage as tolerated or a new hobby. Stretching, yoga, low impact aerobics can also be done to keep blood pumping where its needed.

Having a well balanced and healthy diet is a must. Though sufferers are also advised to identify possible trigger foods in their diet and eliminate them completely. Is is widely believed that certain food in one's diet could trigger a flare up. Supplementation of omega 3 is also known to have a favorable effect on the severity of symptoms.

It is always best to seek medical advise before undertaking new therapies or new forms of exercise. It is also highly recommended that the patient complies to treatment and does  regular follow up check   with their GP or Rheumatologist.

Emotional and Social Well Being

A chronic condition such as this also warrants long term care. It is very important to establish a good support system for the patient. Family members must know and understand the disease. The pain and to some extent the  loss of freedom that the patient feels especially during the active phase of the condition  can sometimes be socially isolating. They can easily fall into depression. They may require assistance around the house when   they experience flare ups because it is very challenging to do simple tasks and they could feel very fatigued.  There are also a lot of support groups and organizations today. Knowing people who are in a similar state helps them in coping with the diagnosis.

Rheumatoid arthritis may change the way people live their lives but that does not mean it should rule their them. They still can live meaningful and productive lives as well.

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