Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

Article Marketing is Not an Overnight Thing

Throughout my years working as an internet marketer, I am often dismayed with the reaction some people give me whenever I talk to them about what I do...
essentially article marketing.
That's just a small part of what I do, but still...
as I try to explain to them, they're wary whether such a simple method can ACTUALLY work? And then they try it.
Yes, they went ahead and tried it.
A week later, this very same person called me, telling me that I was wrong...
that article marketing is not working.
I then asked him, "Why do you think it's not working?" and his response was, "I wrote three articles this week and not a single new sale.
Not even a click-through!" he cried in alarm.
Listen, I said article marketing works but I did NOT say that article marketing is going to bring you INSTANT RESULTS! In order to work your way round to bringing an insane amount of traffic and an increase in sales, you'll need to write quality articles for your very own niche market and then establish yourself as an expert.
Is it even comprehensible to think that three articles that week could bring you an insane number of new customers? I don't think so.
As far as quality is concerned, there's no two ways about it.
You need to write top-notch stuff to make people stop and read, digest and then respect you for what you are.
As for numbers, I would say that you're hitting the mid-way when you've got about a hundred articles out in cyberspace but what we're REALLY aiming for is the one thousand articles on your website or blog or multiple links coming into your website from other websites! THAT's what article marketing is all about.
Three articles a day, sadly, is not going to create a buzz.
Not even a mousey squeak.
And the thing with article marketing is this..
it's not an incredibly new way of marketing.
QR Codes, yes, it's new and you can get your hands in there earlier and you'll start turning heads instantaneously.
But with article marketing, you've got a really competitive thing going on here.
Another mistake that some people make is to assume that the more words you have in your article, the better it is.
With article marketing and other sorts of internet marketing approach, less is better.
In fact, traditionally, we would have said one-thousand-two-hundred words is the only way to do it.
No, with article marketing, all you need is about four-hundred to five-hundred words.
So, you need to cut to the chase, get straight to the point and hit them with it.

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