Academic Bulletin Board Ideas
- Classroom bulletin boards are often academic.frame 31 image by chrisharvey from
Classroom bulletin boards have many uses. In addition to providing colorful decor in a classroom, they're also useful for reinforcing specific academic subjects. While changing them frequently may seem tedious at times, the benefits they provide your students---such as fostering a love for learning---can make it well worth the effort it takes. - This math board is interactive and helps reinforce whatever math concepts you're currently doing with your students. For the background, you'll need to create a pond scene. You can use blue for water and just add several lily pads, as well as pond animals (a frog, snake, etc.). At the bottom of the board, staple about six paper bags, each with a number clearly written on the outside. You'll need to cut out several fish from different colors of construction paper (the number of fish is up to you). On each fish, write simple math problems based on what you're doing in class, and then tack those to your board in the pond using jumbo thumb tacks (easier for students to grab and less likely to get slip out of little hands, waiting for someone to step on them). Have students look at the numbered bags, and then they'll find all the fish whose math problems equal the number on the bag and stick them in it. Title your board, "Fishin' For Addition" (or Subtraction, Division, etc.), and you can even use this board as your math center.
- With this board, your students will see themselves on display with their favorite books, hopefully encouraging reading. Set up a cozy area in your classroom, complete with a nightstand and lamp and maybe a teddy bear. Have your students bring in their favorite book, and then take a photo of them reading their book (with the cover viewable) in the cozy reading area. For your board, use a fabric that is soft to the touch, such as white faux fur. Staple the photos of your students reading their favorite book, and then decorate the outside of the board with teddy bear cutouts. If your board is low enough that you can put a table in front of it, push a table against the board, place real teddy bears on it and then spread out some books for students to read. Title your board, "Cuddle Up to a Good Book."
- This geography-focused bulletin board will show your students where their ancestors are from. In addition, they'll be able to see what ancestries they may have in common. For your background, you'll need a world map the size of your board. (Alternatively, you could create one---or have your students make one---using blue and green construction paper.) Use a schoolhouse-shaped die cut to place in your country, and then put labeling stickers with your students' names on their countries of origin. When you're done, use yarn to make a line from each student's name to the schoolhouse. Your students may find it interesting to see where each other's family is from. They'll also likely enjoy it when if they see others with ancestors from the same region.