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Why Use an Underground Fence?

    Wired Fences

    • Wired underground fences require a complete electrical circuit to work properly. The circuit starts with a control box mounted on the house or garage. A single wire connects to a terminal on the control box and encircles the area designated as the hidden fence zone. The circuit is complete when the second end of the wire attaches to the second terminal on the control box. A separate wire grounds the control box and electric fence to avoid accidental shocks to humans. Ideally the wire should be no deeper than 3 inches in the ground, but if there is mulch in the landscaping around the edge of the lawn, the wire can run through the mulch. Wired fences work in any sized yard.

    Wireless Fences

    • Wireless hidden fences rely on a radio signal coming from a transmitter installed on the wall of the garage to the dog's collar. A wireless fence limits the dog's ability to go beyond a certain radius from the transmitter, usually 15 to 90 feet. If the dog goes outside the range of the signal in its collar, the collar emits uncomfortable correction reminders until the dog returns to the area controlled by the hidden fence. Since there are no wires, this system is easy to move if you sell your home.

    Dog Training

    • An electronic dog fence utilizes a sensor worn by the dog on its collar to warn the dog of the boundaries of the hidden fence. As the dog crosses the hidden line that is the boundary of his play area, the collar first emits a warning sound. If the dog progresses toward the boundary and beyond, it receives a mild electric shock. During the initial use of an underground fence, the owner or trainer must show the dog where the boundaries, which are usually marked with flags, are located. Depending on the dog, this training may take hours or it may take several days for the dog to understand where the boundaries are and the consequences of crossing them. The training time requires constant supervision of the dog. Once the dog finishes training, it's necessary to monitor the dog's movements periodically and re-train as necessary.


    • If the hidden fence needs to cross concrete driveways, sidewalks or other hardscape, it may be necessary to modify the layout of the dog fence. It's possible to create more than one area in the lawn for a play zone. There must be a steady, reliable source of electricity to the fence's control box. Otherwise, the pet may leave the property. The fence only stops your pets from leaving. It doesn't stop other animals from entering your property.

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