How to Keep Deer From Eating Grapes
- 1). Beat several whole eggs together in a mixing bowl.
- 2). Add enough water so the mixture is one part whole eggs to four parts water. Stir the mixture to thoroughly combine the ingredients.
- 3). Pour the egg mixture into a garden sprayer.
- 4). Spray your grape vines with the egg mixture. Apply the spray on a dry day, preferably when the temperature is above freezing. Deer do not like eggs, and will avoid the plants on which you spray them. Re-apply the egg spray every 30 days.
- 1). Drill a hole through one end of several bars of soap. Use cheap soap--you do not need to spend a lot of money on the specific type of soap.
- 2). Thread a piece of string or wire through the hole in each soap bar. Tie the ends of the string together to form a loop.
- 3). Hang the bars of soap around your grape vines. Place one bar every 3 feet along the grape vines.
- 1). Cut the ends off of several pairs of nylon stocking.
- 2). Place two handful of human hair into each of the stockings. Tie shut the open end of the stockings.
- 3). Punch a small hole in the top of each of the stockings. Hand the stockings filled with hair amongst your grapes. Place one stocking every 3 feet along your grape vines. Deer do not like the smell of human hair and will try to avoid it.