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Carpet Cleaning Solutions for Pet Stains

    Types of Odors and Stains

    • Pets can create quite the messpet dog image by NorthShoreSurfPhotos from Fotolia.com

      Nothing says "unclean house" like being greeted with urine odors from furry family members. Urine is ammonia- and urea-based, making it incredibly difficult to fully remove the smell. Fecal odor is an easier task, with the focus being on maintaining colorfastness and complete removal. In both cases, disinfecting the area is essential.

    Products and Solutions for Small Spots

    • Common club soda and salt make an effective household stain removersalt image by Andrey Rakhmatullin from Fotolia.com

      For puppies and kittens, removal of pet stains and odors is typically a simpler task, given the small area involved. Before using any product, dab dry the area as much as possible. For fecal matter, remove and flush.

      A good product for strong odor removal is Oxy-Clean teamed with an upholstery brush typically available at most auto parts stores. Fill a bowl with hot water, mix in the prescribed amount of Oxy-Clean and stir until the solution takes on a milky-white appearance. Dip the brush into the solution, or pour a small amount directly on the spot. Allow to sit for a few seconds, and scrub vigorously. The spot should begin to take on a whiter appearance, as though lathering up slightly. After you are satisfied with the appearance and smell of the location, dab the spot with a clean cloth until it's satisfactorily dry. For small cleanup work, mildly scrubbing the spot after dabbing works well.

      Use of Resolve carpet spray is a good choice. Spray the area of the stain, slightly overlapping the spot with the spray. The solution will take on a frothy appearance; allow it to slightly dissipate before dabbing the area with a clean rag. Follow same procedures for follow-up drying.

      For a truly inexpensive option, club soda and salt are tried-and-true options. Shake a little salt on the area, and add a small amount of club soda. Part of the reason for the effectiveness of this treatment is the carbonation, similar to the manner in which Oxy-Clean works. "Bubbles" transport the stain and odor to the surface for easier elimination and removal.

    Larger Areas and Whole-Home Solutions

    • Larger steam cleaners are available for purchase and rentalvacuum cleaner image by vb_photo from Fotolia.com

      Using a steam cleaner, available for rental or purchase, is a solid course of action for cleaning larger areas or entire carpets. Commercially-available options are typically larger and have greater capacity. Some incorporate active heating elements to ensure the solution stays hot, optimizing stain and odor removal. Consumer-grade options have the appearance of large vacuum cleaners, with a solution reservoir in front.

      Both of these machines will require periodic disposal of the fouled water and cleaning solution. Dumping it into a toilet is preferred over emptying it into a tub or sink, for obvious sanitary reasons. Effective choices are available from Rug Doctor, with various specialized solutions for varying types of stains. The company makes a specific cleaner for pet stains, designed to neutralize odors more effectively.

    Final Steps and Freshening

    • Final steps to keep carpets fresh and odor-freefeet and carpet image by jimcox40 from Fotolia.com

      Following a thorough drying of the cleaned area, an option is to distribute carpet-freshening powder throughout. This power, predominantly baking-soda based, is an effective final "shield" against residual odors. It is important to allow the cleaned area to dry completely, or the powder will have a tendency to absorb the moisture and clump.

      Following these steps should ensure a fresh carpet, regardless of pet presence. You should clean the entire carpet at least yearly. Some dry cleaning options are available that avoid residual moisture from wet-cleaning solutions that can create mold or possibly damage the subfloor. Using these techniques should have a positive effect on pet and pet owner household harmony.

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