Health & Medical Anxiety

How to Really Tell If an Herbal Anxiety Product is the Answer to Your Problem

How can you really tell if an herbal anxiety product is really right for you? There are many factors to be taken into account and your own personal tastes and tendencies will obviously play a major role.
But there are many products out there which are using ingredients of doubtful origin and even more doubtful manufacturing processes But before we actually look at the processes and selection criteria for the ideal herbal anxiety product, let us have a look at three popular herbs, bacopa, rhodiola, St.
John's Wort, and how they can actually help with anxiety.
The bacopa, also known as water hyssop, did extremely well in some recent Australian trials.
Subjects were able to concentrate better, improve their memory and also learn faster after only three months treatment.
As regards anxiety, another study showed that anxious patients reported about 20% less anxiety symptoms.
Irritability, headaches and palpitations were all noticeably improved.
Rhodiola is indicated for those suffering from fatigue and again it can improve mental performance and help with focus and concentration.
It is enormously popular in Russsia where it is given to sportsmen and aging politicians! Seriously though, this herb can really help in raising the levels of serotonin and dopamine and that can certainly alleviate all anxious feelings.
John's Wort has been doing extremely well on trials and clinical studies.
It can help calm nerves, reinforce positive thoughts and also help with anxiety and is a great mood enhancer.
If you have had problems with various medications, you may, on medical advice, move towards a herbal anxiety product, using some of the herbs I have mentioned above.
All these herbs have very few side effects and if they have, they are very minor and can be handled easily.
That is unlike all the benzodiazepines, the prescription drugs for anxiety which can have many disturbing and troublesome side effects.
Finally, if you do decide to take this route, be careful when you actually select the herbal anxiety product.
You should check where the ingredients are sourced, if GMP procedures are used and if the facility where the product is made is actually under FDA supervision.
There should also be a guarantee.
Some of the better companies can actually offer one for a whole year.
So, there you have it.
Herbal anxiety treatment is a valid alternative to mind blowing drugs and may well be the answer to your anxiety problems.
Why not check it out?

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