How to Get the Guys You Want - 4 Stunning Tips Finally Revealed
There is always a cute guy around the office and it's always hard to get his attention.
In some cases, he doesn't even know you exist.
No matter how hard you try, things don't always work out as well as you hope it'll be.
Thankfully, you're not exclusive.
60% of women in the United States claim that they are being ignored by the guys they're attracted to.
The problem arises when you lack the skills necessary to make yourself noticed.
And like any other problem, there is always a solution.
On that note, here are some tips on how to get the guys you want.
1) Do your homework - If he is a real person and not some figment of your overactive imagination, he must have a story.
Find out everything you can about it before you proceed.
Sometimes, you don't even know his name.
Or what he does.
The best way is to ask his friends.
News will spread and your guy might hear about it.
That's a sure-fire way to get him to notice you! However, don't be too inquisitive.
It will arouse suspicion and frankly, make you look like a stalker.
2) Take care of yourself - Look after your appearance! That's probably what most girls have running through their heads every five seconds.
But, it won't hurt to be reminded again.
If you're not exactly pretty, don't give up so easily.
Everyone is beautiful in their own way and you'll just have to make the facet of yourself outshine the others.
The most important thing to remember is not to be too excessive.
Being overly made-up is not how you get the guy you want.
Expensive and unnecessary surgery is also frowned upon.
The latest trend is true natural beauty - minimal make-up, natural-looking hair and clear skin.
3) Exercise - For this; you don't need to go to over-priced gyms every day of the week.
Exercise can be as simple as a 30-minute walk around the block.
And as for frequency; twice a week is sufficient.
You'll start seeing changes in a couple of months.
Being healthy doesn't just mean exercise.
A balanced diet and lifestyle plays a part too.
Go vegetarian one day of the week.
Or try not to stay up so late into the night.
4) Pop the question - This is perhaps simplest, yet not the easiest, way of grabbing his attention.
But you'll have to careful with this tactic.
It might not work out the way you expect it to be.
However, if the guy's a sport and you have great timing; just go for it! It's actually quite flattering for a girl to make the first move.
And with feminism being all the rage nowadays, it shouldn't be too out of norm.
Many women who know how to get the guys they want say that you shouldn't be too worked up about it.
Always stay positive because things never work out the first few times.
Bide your time and eventually it will all pay off.
In some cases, he doesn't even know you exist.
No matter how hard you try, things don't always work out as well as you hope it'll be.
Thankfully, you're not exclusive.
60% of women in the United States claim that they are being ignored by the guys they're attracted to.
The problem arises when you lack the skills necessary to make yourself noticed.
And like any other problem, there is always a solution.
On that note, here are some tips on how to get the guys you want.
1) Do your homework - If he is a real person and not some figment of your overactive imagination, he must have a story.
Find out everything you can about it before you proceed.
Sometimes, you don't even know his name.
Or what he does.
The best way is to ask his friends.
News will spread and your guy might hear about it.
That's a sure-fire way to get him to notice you! However, don't be too inquisitive.
It will arouse suspicion and frankly, make you look like a stalker.
2) Take care of yourself - Look after your appearance! That's probably what most girls have running through their heads every five seconds.
But, it won't hurt to be reminded again.
If you're not exactly pretty, don't give up so easily.
Everyone is beautiful in their own way and you'll just have to make the facet of yourself outshine the others.
The most important thing to remember is not to be too excessive.
Being overly made-up is not how you get the guy you want.
Expensive and unnecessary surgery is also frowned upon.
The latest trend is true natural beauty - minimal make-up, natural-looking hair and clear skin.
3) Exercise - For this; you don't need to go to over-priced gyms every day of the week.
Exercise can be as simple as a 30-minute walk around the block.
And as for frequency; twice a week is sufficient.
You'll start seeing changes in a couple of months.
Being healthy doesn't just mean exercise.
A balanced diet and lifestyle plays a part too.
Go vegetarian one day of the week.
Or try not to stay up so late into the night.
4) Pop the question - This is perhaps simplest, yet not the easiest, way of grabbing his attention.
But you'll have to careful with this tactic.
It might not work out the way you expect it to be.
However, if the guy's a sport and you have great timing; just go for it! It's actually quite flattering for a girl to make the first move.
And with feminism being all the rage nowadays, it shouldn't be too out of norm.
Many women who know how to get the guys they want say that you shouldn't be too worked up about it.
Always stay positive because things never work out the first few times.
Bide your time and eventually it will all pay off.