Health & Medical Pain Diseases

Inversion Table For Back Pain - How You Can Use Gravity To Change Your Life!

If you have never used an inversion table for back pain, the following information is for you.
I leverage the power of gravity for five minutes per day and it has eliminated my back pain, improved my posture, and given me a quality of life I haven't experienced in years.
Back pain affects millions of people from all walks of life, and it can come in many forms: compressed discs; pinched nerves; misaligned vertebrae; and pinched muscles, just to name a few.
Not only can it keep you from enjoying an active lifestyle, but it can hamper even simple day-to-day activities.
If you have tried to cure your back pain with methods such as pills, chiropractic, acupuncture, and massage, and nothing has worked for you, I feel your pain.
I was in the same boat as you until I discovered a new, still somewhat uncommon method that completely changed my life.
I use a method called inversion therapy, which can be done at home using a special piece of equipment called an inversion table.
This table will allow you to hang upside down in a comfortable, safe manner and let gravity completely decompress and realign your spine.
If you are unfamiliar with using inversion therapy for back pain, you more than likely still have a lot of questions about the process.
Here are some of the most common ones I hear from people who are new to using an inversion table.
How do you use an inversion table? Make sure you assemble it according to the directions, then use the pull-pin device to set your angle of inversion, gently get on the contraption and secure your ankles in the ankle locks.
Lean back against the back rest and slowly put your arms back over your head.
This will shift your weight and gravity will cause the back rest to slowly and gently invert to the specified angle.
Try to relax your back completely once you are inverted; this will make it easier for the spine to decompress and realign.
How much do inversion tables cost? Not as much as most people think.
A no-frills, basic table that is still safe, sturdy, and of a very high quality can be found brand new for as little as $100 if you purchase from the right retailer.
As you start adding comfort and luxury features, the price gradually goes up, but even the highest-end tables cost considerably less than prescription medication, doctor visits, or chiropractors, and for me, inversion therapy worked much better! Is inversion therapy safe? It is completely safe as long as a few precautions are taken.
You need to check your blood pressure before you use an inversion table.
If it is above 140/90, consult with a doctor first.
Second, you need to make sure that you are using a table that will support your weight.
If you are a normal weight, this really isn't an issue and any table should do.
If you are significantly overweight, however, make sure the table you select is rated for your weight.
Some go up to 350 pounds or more, while some top out at 250 pounds.
Using an inversion table for back pain is completely safe (as long as you adhere to the guidelines I listed in the paragraph above), it is cost-effective, especially compared to traditional medicine, and it is easy and convenient to do in your own home in about five minutes per day.
It eliminated my back pain and changed my life; I am confident it can do the same for you!

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