The Symptoms of Anxiety That Have Affected Me
The Symptoms of Anxiety that have personally affected me, maybe the same or quite different for each individual, however these are a few of the symptoms that seem to always come up for people who suffer from anxiety.
I can say that these are the symptoms that I have felt: Palpitations Shortness of breath Choking Unsteady feelings and thoughts Dizziness Trembling and shaking Sweating Numbness or tingling De personalization Chest Pain Fear of Dying Fear of going crazy or losing control of your mind These are real symptoms of anxiety and can be really scary for someone of any age, I have suffered from anxiety since I was 16, so for about 17 years to date.
One thing I have learnt is that having knowledge of anxiety through reading books, can make you aware of what is going on.
You start to recognise the symptoms and can say to yourself,okay this is what is happening, breath, your not going to die from this and it will pass.
When we tend to feel anxious or have a panic attack, we tend to over breath (hyperventilate).
This reduces the amount of oxygen in the blood, and that is what causes the dizziness, the light headed ness, the palpitations, etc, in fact it can cause the majority of those symptoms that are above.
What triggers off Anxiety or Panic Attacks I just do not know, but if you are starting to feel anxious or a Panic Attack coming on, stop and think, am I breathing correctly and you will find that no, you are not.
So take a deep breath and slowly breath out, keep doing this until your heart rate calms down.
I was always told to take a deep breath and hold it for a few seconds and slowly breath out, do this for a few times.
And honestly it does work.
It can be really hard to think rationally when you are in the peak of a Panic Attack, but I have been told by two doctors now, that it is impossible to have a panic attack, if you are breathing correctly.
So to sum up here, I have to say, just remember to stay strong, keep focused, practice your breathing techniques, do not let your mind wander about irrational thoughts.
Just think to yourself, that this is okay, this is only a panic attack, it will not kill me, I need to breath and I will calm down.
Nobody else can do this for you, but yourself, but once you figure it out, the you know confidently that you are on the road to getting your life back in order.
I can say that these are the symptoms that I have felt: Palpitations Shortness of breath Choking Unsteady feelings and thoughts Dizziness Trembling and shaking Sweating Numbness or tingling De personalization Chest Pain Fear of Dying Fear of going crazy or losing control of your mind These are real symptoms of anxiety and can be really scary for someone of any age, I have suffered from anxiety since I was 16, so for about 17 years to date.
One thing I have learnt is that having knowledge of anxiety through reading books, can make you aware of what is going on.
You start to recognise the symptoms and can say to yourself,okay this is what is happening, breath, your not going to die from this and it will pass.
When we tend to feel anxious or have a panic attack, we tend to over breath (hyperventilate).
This reduces the amount of oxygen in the blood, and that is what causes the dizziness, the light headed ness, the palpitations, etc, in fact it can cause the majority of those symptoms that are above.
What triggers off Anxiety or Panic Attacks I just do not know, but if you are starting to feel anxious or a Panic Attack coming on, stop and think, am I breathing correctly and you will find that no, you are not.
So take a deep breath and slowly breath out, keep doing this until your heart rate calms down.
I was always told to take a deep breath and hold it for a few seconds and slowly breath out, do this for a few times.
And honestly it does work.
It can be really hard to think rationally when you are in the peak of a Panic Attack, but I have been told by two doctors now, that it is impossible to have a panic attack, if you are breathing correctly.
So to sum up here, I have to say, just remember to stay strong, keep focused, practice your breathing techniques, do not let your mind wander about irrational thoughts.
Just think to yourself, that this is okay, this is only a panic attack, it will not kill me, I need to breath and I will calm down.
Nobody else can do this for you, but yourself, but once you figure it out, the you know confidently that you are on the road to getting your life back in order.