Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

How to Tell If Your Husband Is Passive Aggressive - Three Signs to Look For

Men who are passive aggressive will do anything to get out of responsibility, whether by lying and manipulation, or by making excuses.
It can be extremely taxing on a marriage, or any relationship for that matter.
Here are four signs to look for to determine if your husband is passive aggressive.
These aren't all the signs, and he may only have a couple.
He also may have a couple of the signs but not actually be passive aggressive.
You may need to seek the help of a psychiatrist if you need more help.
Muddying the Water Something that was clear becomes unclear and confusing with passive aggressive men.
They will speak in so many riddles that you'll no longer know what he really means or wants.
This could look like him asking about wanting to make plans with a certain couple on a certain day, then talking about other plans already set at that same time, and not being clear on what you're doing next Friday night.
Another part of this is causing chaos in an environment that had been calm before.
This could be a nice meal with in-laws, when your husband calmly points out that you're not ready to have children, which he knows has been a sore spot in your marriage.
Avoiding Responsibilities There are two ways that passive aggressive men will avoid responsibilities.
One way is by claiming to have forgotten what was asked of them, and the other is to make up excuses.
If you find that even the simplest tasks you ask of your husband are forgotten, he may be deliberately avoiding doing them and just claiming to have forgotten them.
He may also make up excuses as to why he hasn't sent out that package to your sister, claiming that the post office was too busy.
Deliberately Ignoring You If your husband seems to be deliberately ignoring you, he may be passive aggressive.
This can look like him calling you to him and then making a phone call while you wait to find out why he's called you from your ironing.
Another part of this is avoiding or ignoring direct questions that you ask him.
Men who are passive aggressive are afraid of both conflict and commitment, so they will avoid both when talking to you.
This means that they probably cannot express their true feelings to you.
Insecurity is the root of passive aggressive behavior.
There are many things that can cause this fear to develop, but the fact is that it is there, and that is what is causing this behavior in your husband.
Usually, the origin is a bad relationship with his mother when he was a child, putting him perpetually in a state of wanting to please everyone around him, but being angry about it at the same time.
This is a behavioral problem that should be treated by a psychiatrist if it is severe.
There are some things that you can do about it if it is a small problem.

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