Health & Medical Hair Health,Hair Loss

I Hate Losing My Hair

We actually lose hair everyday, usually around 100-150 strands, this usually comes simply from brushing.
For women with long hair, this can look like it's a lot of hair, but taking into account the amount of hair on a head, it is a small percentage of what is on your head.
However If your hair is coming out in clumps, or you find patches of hair loss or even worse bald spots, you definitely have a problem, You should consult your health advisor who will determine a course of treatment based upon the specific cause of your hair loss.
There are many reasons for unexplained loss, a bad diet especially one without sufficient protein can cause it to fall out, however, this is usually temporary and can be redressed once the diet is back to normal.
Women who are anaemic can also suffer hair loss as can those going through the menopause, in this case the problem is often hormonal and if not checked could be permanent.
Frequent shampooing does not on its own cause it, but certain ingredients in some formulas can dry the scalp causing itching, scratching and possible loss because of it.
Too much heat from driers and irons can damage the hair as well.
Another main cause of baldness is stress, a major event such as a death or divorce can bring on hair loss.
Thankfully hair lost when under stress, usually re-grows once the stressful period has passed.
Hereditary hair loss and alopecia are probably the most serious causes of unexplained baldness, often linked to an increase in the hormone derivative DHT the effects can be devastating.
The hormone gradually shrinks the hair follicles that in turn grow ever weakening strands.
Eventually these follicles cease to produce any at all and die.
There are preparations out there that have been proven to reverse the effects of excess DHT and can encourage hair re-growth before the follicles suffer too much damage.
Hair Loss In Women

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