A Quality Choice
When we think of the word 'quality' what pops up into our heads? Quality essentially is the true essence of value.
When meeting someone for the first time the first thing we all think of, on a unconscious level, is whether or not this person is of value or not.
If they are then we keep engaged in the conversation, if not then we slowly drift away hoping to find something else that'll catch our attention.
But what gives us the right to perceive something as quality, or even someone as quality? You may be thinking that you're not a judgmental person, which you may not be but we all make generalizations of certain ideas, items, people...
And our generalizations come from our experiences.
For example a wife is treated badly by her father and husband, therefore she generalizes that 'all men are bad'.
Same things goes for simple things like doors, chairs, and tables.
They all look the same to generally be put in the category of door, chair, or table.
But how many 'different' doors, chairs, or tables have you seen? Which brings me back to the idea of quality.
We're all engaged in making decisions every day, whether you're a leader, an employee, or a college student.
We all make choices.
But what are these choices? Are the choices of quality? Or Are the choices of desperation? Generally I've moved from making desperate choices to quality choices.
Now I live 'generally' by the choices on whether I should take on a project, client, start in another business, write another book, spend time with my girlfriend...
all these are 'generally' quality choices.
As opposed to desperate choices of whether I should do anything today because I have no gas in the car, eat only bread and water throughout the course of my day, finish drinking that bottle of liquor to deaden my pain inside...
That was my previous life.
So let me ask you, generalizing now, what are your choices? Are the quality ones or desperate ones? The life you decide to live is dependent on the general choices you make everyday.
If you want a better life strive for quality choices.
When meeting someone for the first time the first thing we all think of, on a unconscious level, is whether or not this person is of value or not.
If they are then we keep engaged in the conversation, if not then we slowly drift away hoping to find something else that'll catch our attention.
But what gives us the right to perceive something as quality, or even someone as quality? You may be thinking that you're not a judgmental person, which you may not be but we all make generalizations of certain ideas, items, people...
And our generalizations come from our experiences.
For example a wife is treated badly by her father and husband, therefore she generalizes that 'all men are bad'.
Same things goes for simple things like doors, chairs, and tables.
They all look the same to generally be put in the category of door, chair, or table.
But how many 'different' doors, chairs, or tables have you seen? Which brings me back to the idea of quality.
We're all engaged in making decisions every day, whether you're a leader, an employee, or a college student.
We all make choices.
But what are these choices? Are the choices of quality? Or Are the choices of desperation? Generally I've moved from making desperate choices to quality choices.
Now I live 'generally' by the choices on whether I should take on a project, client, start in another business, write another book, spend time with my girlfriend...
all these are 'generally' quality choices.
As opposed to desperate choices of whether I should do anything today because I have no gas in the car, eat only bread and water throughout the course of my day, finish drinking that bottle of liquor to deaden my pain inside...
That was my previous life.
So let me ask you, generalizing now, what are your choices? Are the quality ones or desperate ones? The life you decide to live is dependent on the general choices you make everyday.
If you want a better life strive for quality choices.