Cars & Vehicles Motorcycles

Benefits of Using a Helmet With Dual Visor and Pump Action Feature

Many of the motorcycle riders avoid the use of helmets, for they believe that it hampers the perceived idea of freedom that motorcycle riding entails. However, avoiding wearing a helmet, while riding a motorcycle, can lead to disastrous consequences. Helmet is an essential motorcycle accessory that ensures that you are safe from any head or face injury in case of an accident, or at least minimises the impact of an accident.
In order to avoid any head, neck or facial injuries, which may prove to be fatal or limit your mobility, motorcycle riders need to act responsibly and ensure the regular use of helmets. In fact, pillion riders may also wear helmets as an added safety measure.
You may consider various safety features of a helmet when buying one, to ensure a safe riding experience. For instance, you may opt for a helmet with double visor and pump action features for added protection from any probable mishaps.
Visor is the mask like feature of a motorcycle helmet which assists in covering the entire head of the rider to provide better protection from any unwanted, sudden mishaps. A helmet with a double visor feature is capable of ensuring improved safety for the rider. Double visor helmets allow the users to lift only a section of the face mask- the front shield- without having the need to lift the entire face mask, as it is with the single visor helmet. This feature ensures that despite lifting your visor, you are still provided with optimum protection for your face.
Dual visor helmets can be of added significance for riders during summers. Most of the riders avoid wearing helmets during summers due to the hot weather and the inconvenience they may face in the form of excessive sweating and heat, when wearing a full face helmet. Wearing a double visor helmet allows them to facilitate ventilation in hot weather, lifting only the front shield of the helmet without removing the entire mask, without compromising on their safety and protection.
Moreover, the function of double visor helmets is not only limited to facilitating ventilation, but they effectively act as the rider's sunglasses too. The inner visor may be flipped when not being used by the riders or may remain down to act as a shield from sunlight for the rider's eyes. This lifting of the inner visor can be easily controlled by the pressing of a small button located at the side of a helmet.
Another safety factor that needs to be considered when buying a helmet is that how well the helmet fits the riders head. It is important to ensure that the helmet you are buying is not too loose or too tight for your head.
However, the fitness of a helmet can easily be altered by factors such as humidity. The change in humidity levels can affect the dimensions of your helmet, making those too tight or loose. To avoid this frequently occurring problem, you may rely on the innovative pump action feature of a helmet.
Pump action feature in a helmet ensures better fitting, utilising an air pump to adjust the cheek pads of a helmet, making sure that it fits the rider well.
You may buy a good quality double visor helmet, with pump action feature, to ensure full protection and prevention from any head injury while riding a motorcycle. In order to purchase authentic products of fine quality, you may approach a reputable and reliable company like Oxide Bike, to ensure your safety.

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