Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

First Trimester Pregnancy Experiences

Your first trimester pregnancy months are the time when you need to accept and absorb all the changes you and your body are about to go through.
When you first suspect that you are pregnant, a lot of different feelings go coursing through your body and mind.
You may be thrilled at the prospect of becoming a parent, and at the same time you may be terrified of the very idea that you'll be responsible for the life of another human being.
During the first trimester pregnancy months you'll have many things to think about.
One of these is your choice of doctor to guide you through your pregnancy.
Although many women visit their general practitioner throughout their pregnancy, it's advised that you seek out the care of an obstetrician during the first trimester pregnancy weeks.
This type of doctor has extensive training and experience in dealing specifically with pregnancy and delivery.
It's a good idea to visit an obstetrician during your first trimester pregnancy weeks to find out your exact due date and also to learn more about nutrition.
He will also prescribe a pre-natal vitamin for you during your initial visit.
One body change you are likely to notice during the first trimester pregnancy weeks is how easily you become tired.
As your hormones change, so does your need for rest.
Don't be surprised if you find yourself having to catch a quick nap in the middle of the afternoon or when you return home from work.
Your body is telling you to rest and you need to listen and obey it.
One effect you may also experience during the first few weeks of your pregnancy is morning sickness.
Although this doesn't happen to all women, a good majority suffer from at least some symptoms of morning sickness.
The name itself is a bit misleading as morning sickness can occur anytime during the day or evening.
If you happen to experience this first trimester pregnancy symptom, keep in mind that it will pass.
Morning sickness rarely lasts for the duration of the pregnancy, it's almost always restricted to the first trimester.
Things can go wrong during a pregnancy and in most cases, if that does happen, it will be during the first trimester pregnancy period.
Miscarriages are unfortunately a fact of life, and quite often are nature's way of protecting a fetus that has some sort of birth defect.
Should you suffer from a miscarriage, take comfort in the fact that most women who lose a pregnancy go on to give birth to one or more healthy children.
It's very rare for a miscarriage to happen beyond the first trimester, so if you are into your second trimester, take comfort in that.
It is for this reason that many people wait beyond the first trimester pregnancy weeks before informing others of the impending birth.
You usually won't be showing until your fourth or fifth month of pregnancy so it is relatively easy to keep the secret until you are far enough along to know that the baby is healthy and secure.
Make sure that you take time during the first few months of your pregnancy to do some research into caring for a new baby.
Many people, particularly first time parents, don't have the experience or knowledge they would like to have when the baby arrives.
Read as much as you can about both child birth and caring for a newborn so you can feel confident in your parenting skills once the baby arrives.
Babies are a joy and you should cherish each and every day, right from your first trimester pregnancy weeks through to the day you give birth.
These are memories that will last forever, so be certain you take some time to thoroughly enjoy all the changes you are experiencing.

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