Definition of Hair Loss
- Alopecia is generically defined as the loss of hair, but hair loss comes in several forms. Male- and female-pattern baldness are the most common types, often beginning at the hair line and causing it to slowly recede over time. Alopecia areata is not permanent, but causes hair to fall out in small patches. Traction alopecia is caused by certain types of hair styles, and isn't necessarily permanent either.
- Each form of hair loss has a distinct cause. While pattern baldness is usually due to heredity, traction alopeica is caused by hair styles that involve braiding, and the exact cause of alopecia areata is not known. Poor nutrition, disease, medical treatments and hormonal changes can also cause hair loss.
- If hair loss is sudden, rapid and unexpected, discuss it with a medical professional. Also consult a health care provider about hair loss if hair begins to fall out in patches, or in large clumps from slight tugging.
- Scarring alopecia is a rare and serious form of hair loss. It occurs when inflammation begins scarring and damaging hair follicles, causing permanent hair loss.
- There are a number of medications, such as Rogaine and Propecia, that are marketed to reverse, slow or stop hair loss. Surgery is also an option that allows hair to be transplanted from elsewhere, while wigs and hair extensions can help conceal hair loss.