Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

How to Become A Rock Star Speaking on the Platform

Who is that behind those sun glasses? Wow, it must be a Rock Star.
If you want to become a public speaking Rock Star you will need to discover the secrets to becoming a persuasive speaker.
The following insight will take you to the head of the class as a public speaker: 1.
) As a public speaker you must be able to sell your audience on the reasons they need you to help them improve, change, develop, and successfully transform their lives and get more out of life.
) In order to become a public speaking Rock Star you must understand your most valuable asset is who you are.
You must be credible, authentic and become a force to be reckoned with while speaking on the platform.
) No matter what your topic is, you must paint a picture for the audience that allows them to see the unlimited possibilities in their future.
In other words your speech should include the dream of being financially independent.
) Public speaking Rock Stars have an uncanny ability to persuade people to do what they want them to do.
Your persuasive skills will make you a Rock Star.
) You must be an authority with information people want to learn from you.
You must develop information products that have value.
) Public speaking Rock Stars do not sell one to one, rather they sell 1 to 100 or even one 10 1,000.
In other words you will magnify your income by speaking in front of larger audiences resulting in the opportunity for higher earnings.
) You must develop a marketing blue print that consist of what, when, and how you plan to distribute your information products.
) Develop a killer sales presentation, without it you will wither on the speaking vine.
It must be memorable and persuasive in nature.
) Record all of your speeches and package them in the following formats: cd, dvd, book, MP3, and other forms of audio or video delivery.
) You must offer a 3 or 4 day training program to further enhance your client's knowledge base.
) Offer coaching to audience members and you should also invest in a coaching program at the same time so you can continue to learn and elevate your knowledge base.
) The true measure of a public speaking Rock Star is the fact, they close at the beginning of their speech and discuss the benefits of their product at the end of their program.
Rock on public speaking Rock Stars.
Your power of persuasion will result in you selling more products in the back of the room.
In essence a public speaking Rock Star is a successful salesperson who helps people transform their life.
Take action after reading about what it takes to be a public speaking Rock Star.
When you look in the mirror you will know who who is wearing those sun glasses.

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