Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Stories Can Be a Healing Tool to Restore Faith, Hope and Inner Strength

Transformational stories are a like a medicine cabinet for the soul, reminding us of lessons learned and restoring focus, intention and perspective.
Stories if written in a certain way can bring courage, hope, healing and a sense of belonging to something greater.
That is why stories are one of the most powerful teaching tools for your speaking, healing or teaching practice.
Stories are a wonderful teaching tool, striking the mind and heart with vibrant images to galvanize us spiritually, emotionally and mentally.
We often take on the persona of the character in the story, donning the qualities of the hero like a warm pair of pajamas or a protective piece of armour.
Many women who have read the stories in my book series Conscious Women Conscious Lives have found a renewed sense of hope and creativity, daring to strike out and face life again, often after many years of feeling defeated.
Each story is selected for its lesson and empowering message.
A story can be a jumping off point to ignite us to action or to restore creative drives, quashed when facing one challenge after another.
When we've lost hope, the real life hero in a story can show us the way to move ahead, how to face our fears and that there is a possible positive future.
As all great story tellers know, a good story has a great beginning, a fantastic middle and a brilliant ending.
Without those elements, your story won't have the ammunition to break through the bonds of despair and apathy that some of those in your audience are facing.
A story based on generalities and devoid of drama is not a story worth telling, and in fact is not an actual story.
All good stories deliver a lesson.
Whether you use stories to teach in your speaking practice, or as a healing tool in your coaching practice, or to help women or men in group work, you can never fail to be an excellent example to others by sharing personal stories of how you or others faced great challenges and prevailed.

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