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Psychic Force PS2 Moves List

    • Psychic Force pits several psychic fighters against each other in a large, invisible cube suspended in the sky. These fighters float around, shooting each other with their various psychic weapons. As with most fighting games, the challenge is learning not only how to use and move the character you're playing with ease and grace but also knowing which move to use for each situation.

    Burn Griffith

    • Burn uses a series of flame weapons. His Flame Shoot and Exploder attacks launch one or several fireballs at his opponents. Triangle Heat launches an exploding flame seal at enemies, potentially trapping them. When in Burning Trail, he takes on the form of a burning bird and flies toward foes. His final move summons a very powerful God Phoenix, which seeks out anyone who opposes him.

    Emilio Michaelov

    • Emilio uses light power to attack, such as firing a Shining Arrow at the enemy. His Prism Reflector isn't as much an attack as it is a reflector that Seeker Ray will pass through while seeking opponents. The exploding Prism Seal attack can trap the foes and damage them upon exploding. He can also call on a cross-shaped Archangel, which fires a blinding light at enemies.

    Wendy Ryan

    • Wendy's abilities are air-themed. Air Crescent attacks 1 and 2 are air blades launched toward the opponent. They are different, and you will notice the differences through use. The Silpheed Dance gives her a speed and agility boost, which fades over time or when she's hit. The Vortex Stream attack sends a huge tornado at her enemy. She can also summon windswept rocks in an Earth Gale.


    • Robotic Sonia uses mostly Electric attacks. Electrigger sends a lightning bolt at enemies. For a great combo, start with Magnet Anchor to pull enemies toward Sonia, then use A Gigantic Drill kick attack. She can surround herself in a Tera Discharge, which both causes damage and creates a protective field. Finally, like an electric chair, her Execution attack traps foes and then explodes.

    Brad Kilsten

    • Brad is a little crazy and uses various Gravity Attacks. Meteo Hammer crushes his enemies between two meteoric rocks. Put opponents under Mega Pressure, in the form of a giant black snake. Gravity Infinity, or a small black hole, sucks in the opponent and slams the enemy with all kinds of debris. He will also summon an Asteroid Belt of rocks and can launch them with Satellite Fall at his foes.

    Richard Wong

    • His attacks are more confusing, as they're time-themed. Dimensional Blink allows him to teleport somewhere on screen. When he has a Choice of Destiny, he creates a mirror image of himself and then chooses which to be. Empty Illusion allows him to teleport away from attacks. Baptism of Warning is a two-part attack that starts with a huge sword to impale enemies, and 12 more swords which fall on the stuck foe. His A Perfect World attack freezes time for a few seconds as he lays into his foe freely.

    Rokudo Genma

    • Combination priest and demon hunter, Rokudo Genma uses a mixture of magical attacks: Fire Talismans which are lingering fireballs; Spirit Will-o'-the-wisps, which attack the foe; Prayer Bead Lightning Summoner which sends beads that attract lightning; a shield-like Protection Talisman and the Death Spell, which surrounds the enemies in explosions.

    Gates Oltman

    • A brawler, Gates Oltman uses physical attacks. He can shoot his arms with Boost Arm, and pull enemies in with Pile Bunker and launch spikes at them. Stun Collider surrounds him with electricity. Plasma Cannon shoots a ball of energy at his enemies. Finally, All-Range Missile, sends a barrage of homing missiles out to the foe.

    Keith Evans

    • Keith Evans is the secret, unlockable fighter who uses ice attacks. Frigid Lance fires an icicle to the enemy. Frigid Spine covers Keith in a shield of ice. Frigid Prison traps foes in an ice cube, if they're hit by his radiating ice balls. Frigid Shell builds a field that nullifies all enemy attacks. He can also summon the dragon Blizzard Tooth. To unlock Keith, press Guard, Heavy and Light attack buttons, then Start all at the same time until the character select screen appears.

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