Health & Medical Body building

Muscle Building Foods

There are a heap of good muscle building foods out there, but it's sometimes hard to know which ones are truly "the cream of the crop", so to speak.
It seems as though you can find a study on just about any food that says it is either really great for building muscle fast, or really bad.
This article outlines some of the food which are proven to help build muscle.
Basically, in order to build muscle fast, you'll have to eat a lot of calories from protein and carbohydrates.
When I say a lot, I mean a lot! The problem with this approach is that higher calorie intake will most likely result in fat gain as well as muscle gain.
You'll need to be careful with this one and take things slowly.
Some of the best protein sources are: - Chicken - Turkey - Lean Beef - Pork tenderloin - Dairy - Eggs - Tuna - Salmon - Nuts Obviously there are many more sources, but these are the most common.
It's important to focus on lean meats if you're going to avoid excess gains in fat.
Another note to point out is that diet alone won't get you ripped.
You'll need to have a comprehensive workout plan running at the same time.
In addition to protein (which builds muscle), you'll need to have a high intake of carbohydrates (which feed the muscle, and provide energy.
Be extra careful with carbs, as they will store in the body as fat if not used up! Some good sources of carbohydrates are: - Cereals - Fruit - Whole grain breads - Mushrooms - Red and green peppers - Cabbage - Cucumber - Potatoes - Pastas (preferably whole wheat) - Rice - Beans Again, there are many more carb sources, but these are the most common.
Note that eating a lot of vegetables will also provide your body with minerals and vitamins that are essential when building muscle.
Deficiencies in the intake of vitamins and minerals can greatly reduce your muscle building potential, and can be detrimental to both physical and mental health.

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