Bad Online Date - Causes
Because of the growth of the online dating sites, the traditional date is day by day replaced by the online date. But, just as in traditional dating, there can appear some problems that can produce a bad online date. This article will present you some of the most common troubles that can come along with an online date.
Even if the online dating sites try to verify the facts given by a person, they cant find out if those who are creating a profile are sincerely looking for an online date or just want to take advantage of those who are searching for a mate. Thats why you can always meet a fraudulent user, a thing that can provide you some serious troubles. Some of the reasons why these people want to talk with you are simple and easy to guess: they either want to take your money, or want to emotionally black mail you into doing things you wouldn't do otherwise. There was registered also some bad scenarios when users from online dating sites robbed, killed or harmed some of other users, in spite of the measures taken by the online dating sites or by the users. Thats why you have to be careful about with who you talk and to avoid giving too many details about your personal or financial life. It is a known fact that online dating sites are very popular in persons who like to cheat their partners.
The unclear communication also can lead to a bad online date. What seems to be a good joke for you and your friends may be an offensive idea for other people. Study carefully the person with whom you are talking and resume, in first instance to diplomatic conversations. Try to know her before you make fun or you say ironic ideas.
The lack of spontaneity can be a serious problem not only in online dates but also in the regular dating. Dont worry; as the online dates dont require a physical proximity between people, it is easy to repair this. First of all, dont write in your profiles description that you are spontaneous, because this is a lie, and we all know that lies have short life. Be sincere and try to punctuate other real qualities. Then, try to find persons who are spontaneous. They can help you make your online date a nice experience, because they will find some easy topics to discuss or things to do. Before you start a conversation with someone, study his profile and note on a paper his hobbies, interests or other particular things. Discuss about these topics when you feel you are out of ideas. Ask him about them and if you dont know something about a thing, try to avoid looking like you are an expert in that. The sincerity will always help you in a conversation and people like to talk about a field that they love, if someone is willing to listen.
Even if the online dating sites try to verify the facts given by a person, they cant find out if those who are creating a profile are sincerely looking for an online date or just want to take advantage of those who are searching for a mate. Thats why you can always meet a fraudulent user, a thing that can provide you some serious troubles. Some of the reasons why these people want to talk with you are simple and easy to guess: they either want to take your money, or want to emotionally black mail you into doing things you wouldn't do otherwise. There was registered also some bad scenarios when users from online dating sites robbed, killed or harmed some of other users, in spite of the measures taken by the online dating sites or by the users. Thats why you have to be careful about with who you talk and to avoid giving too many details about your personal or financial life. It is a known fact that online dating sites are very popular in persons who like to cheat their partners.
The unclear communication also can lead to a bad online date. What seems to be a good joke for you and your friends may be an offensive idea for other people. Study carefully the person with whom you are talking and resume, in first instance to diplomatic conversations. Try to know her before you make fun or you say ironic ideas.
The lack of spontaneity can be a serious problem not only in online dates but also in the regular dating. Dont worry; as the online dates dont require a physical proximity between people, it is easy to repair this. First of all, dont write in your profiles description that you are spontaneous, because this is a lie, and we all know that lies have short life. Be sincere and try to punctuate other real qualities. Then, try to find persons who are spontaneous. They can help you make your online date a nice experience, because they will find some easy topics to discuss or things to do. Before you start a conversation with someone, study his profile and note on a paper his hobbies, interests or other particular things. Discuss about these topics when you feel you are out of ideas. Ask him about them and if you dont know something about a thing, try to avoid looking like you are an expert in that. The sincerity will always help you in a conversation and people like to talk about a field that they love, if someone is willing to listen.