Home & Garden Maintenance & Repairs

How to Clean a Bedside Commode

    • 1). Put on your gloves and remove the bottom bowl. Dispose of the contents by emptying them into a toilet. Set the empty bowl in the shower stall.

    • 2). Place the bedside commode unit into the shower stall and set the shower on a hot water setting. Close the curtain and let the hot water beat down on the commode for five minutes. Shut the shower off and open the curtain.

    • 3). Mix ½ cup of white vinegar with two cups of water in a small bucket. Use a small cleaning brush to scrub the entire surface of the commode and bowl. Turn the shower back on to rinse the items.

    • 4). Pull the bedside commode out of the shower stall and wipe it dry with a towel. Use a disinfectant spray on the surfaces. Reinstall the bowl and place the commode in position at the bedside for the next use. (Ref. 1.)

    • 5). Tips: Drugs.com offers a great tutorial on the proper use and assisting procedure for bedside commodes. (Res. 1.)

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