Health & Medical Anti Aging

What Is The Best Anti Aging Supplement For Men And Women?

Free radicals produced within our bodies, as also ingested through smoking, from water and air pollution or eating certain foods, sun exposure, x-rays and other oxidant poisons we are exposed to regularly; are largely the culprits for degenerative diseases like colon / breast / lung // liver cancer, cardiovascular diseases, asthma, Alzheimer's disease, osteoporosis etc. and also lines or wrinkles and soggy skin on the face. Ayurved Research Foundation's Sfoorti capsules are the most preferred and the best anti aging supplement with thousands of satisfied users in India and all over the world. One can notice significant results of rejuvenated and refreshed look without dullness or age spots within 3 - 4 months of usage of 1 - 2 capsules of Sfoorti taken with water or milk.

Enriched with the best proven anti aging botanicals such as Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha), Hypoxis orchioides (Musli Safed), Asphaltum (Shilajit), Mucuna pruriens (Kavach Beej), Asparagus racemosus (Shatavari), Croci stigmata (Saffron), Tribulus terrestris (Gokshura) and Pueraria Tuberosa (Kudzu); this supplement protects the body from free radical mayhem which is to be blamed for disease, skin damage and aging, preserves vision, prevents loss of bone density / energy / memory and decline in libido / sexual stamina, controls cholesterol and blood pressure levels, tones muscles and skin, reduces pigmentation, improves digestion and appetite, extends longevity, reduces stress due to environmental damage or medications, cures inflammation and pain, prevents age related chronic ailments such as diabetes, heart disease or cancer.

The rasayanic herbs used in Sfoorti capsules have been mentioned even in the revered Charak Samhita (ancient ayurvedic medical texts) as having pharmacological actions of diverse mode in retarding free radical damage of body cells to ensure that aging signs are kept in check. So before you turn 40 with backaches, forgetfulness, dark circles, and fatigue that will make you feel more like 60; start taking Sfoorti capsules that will give you more strength, energy, younger skin and flexibility than most others half your age.

Even though the best anti aging supplement works internally by toning the body organs; to stop aging dead on its track requires preservation of health and beauty and from the most ancient times herbs and meditation have had the reputation of being great restorers of ageless beauty and youth. Early in the morning, after one's bath, sitting in the proximity of a Tulsi plant to allow the fragrance emanating from its leaves, inflorescences and stem filling the inhaled air to pervade every drop of one's blood can actually give new life, health, vigour, radiance and correct any unfavorable alteration in the metabolism to turn back the clock! Meditation techniques make one alert and aware, and teach one to love and respect one's body and take good care of it.

To prevent aging it is imperative to maintain a good diet, adequate supplementation and regular exercise. While yoga, breathing exercises and Pilates all effectively develop strength by utilizing one's own body weight, Pilates is the best for overall toning, enhanced blood and body fluids circulation, lean muscles and great posture. Since Pilates incorporates dynamic pulling and pumping moves which boost resistance, it focuses on your 'powerhouse' - deep abdominal and back muscles to tone the arms and legs, improve digestion and metabolism, and reduce stress. Oxidative stress levels can drop by 9% just after 10 days of exercise / stretching and consuming Sfoorti capsules, the best anti aging supplement born in India but made its own by the entire world.

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