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Ideas for Making Wreaths

    Fabric Wreath

    • This is an easy wreath to make. The base is made with a wire coat hanger. Form it in circle, leaving the hook for hanging the wreath up then cover with floral tape. Ideas for the fabric could include Christmas prints, fleece or scraps from other home décor projects. Cut the fabric into small strips and tie them around the wire frame. You can also use clear or colored plastic wrap instead of fabric.

    Grapevine Wreath

    • The most typical base for wreaths are grapevines. An Easter egg grapevine wreath will add charm to your door or wall. It is made with pastel-colored clay. Form the clay into egg shaped-balls and decorate with polka dots and tiny flowers. Read the manufacturer's instructions to see if you need to bake or air-dry the clay. Tie large bow with a piece of ribbon. Glue the ribbon and eggs to the wreath.

    Moss Wreath

    • A wreath made of moss will allow you to use fresh flowers because you can keep the moss damp. The only problem is the flowers will not last for extensive period. Pick the flowers from your garden or buy a bouquet at a local store. You can use flowers such as roses, daisies, baby breath and add a few leaves. Decide how you want them arrange as you begin to insert them into the moss. You can add small bows and others laces if you want.

    Styrofoam Wreath

    • This simple wreath is made with a Styrofoam base. Wrap muslin strips or fabric around the foam to completely hide it and secure it with glue. The choice of items to glue on the wreath can include paper punch flowers and vintage buttons. Or you can decorate it for a baby shower by attaching toys and booties. Let your imagination go wild with all possibilities you can create with this wreath.

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