Fat Burning and Weight Loss Tips Introduction - Part #1
Introduction Most people believe that in order to lose weight you need to go on crash diets where you starve yourself to quickly lose the fat! The sad truth about this kind of dieting is that in the short term you do see some average results, but that's the problem! They are SHORT LIVED because are based on a restricted lifestyle and this simply cannot be maintained in the long term.
Another truth is that the initial weight loss you experience is really just water and muscle tissue which is metabolically active.
Losing muscle is a bad thing because muscle burns about 3 times the amount of calories as fat or other tissues in the body.
So by losing muscle you're making it harder to lose fat! Here's the 'nail in the coffin' - when you get fed up and quit your fad diet your weight comes back with a vengeance! Most people end up gaining more weight than when they started their fad diet.
This is not healthy! Aerobic exercise Here's another popular belief.
All the magazines and articles preach that you must do aerobic exercises at least 3 to 4 times a weeks for 30 minutes to burn fat.
But the reality is that most people who buy thread mills or stair climbers often give up after the initial novelty wears out! There also many concerns with aerobic exercise machines in the long term such as muscle loss, injuries dues to overuse and muscle imbalances.
In fact doing aerobic exercises for a long period of time can actually stress your heart and lungs which in turn increase the rick of heart health.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying don't do any cardiovascular exercises.
There are better and more efficient ways than spending hours on a tread mill.
So in the next 7 articles I'll detail the steps you can take to burn that fat! And keep it off!
Another truth is that the initial weight loss you experience is really just water and muscle tissue which is metabolically active.
Losing muscle is a bad thing because muscle burns about 3 times the amount of calories as fat or other tissues in the body.
So by losing muscle you're making it harder to lose fat! Here's the 'nail in the coffin' - when you get fed up and quit your fad diet your weight comes back with a vengeance! Most people end up gaining more weight than when they started their fad diet.
This is not healthy! Aerobic exercise Here's another popular belief.
All the magazines and articles preach that you must do aerobic exercises at least 3 to 4 times a weeks for 30 minutes to burn fat.
But the reality is that most people who buy thread mills or stair climbers often give up after the initial novelty wears out! There also many concerns with aerobic exercise machines in the long term such as muscle loss, injuries dues to overuse and muscle imbalances.
In fact doing aerobic exercises for a long period of time can actually stress your heart and lungs which in turn increase the rick of heart health.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying don't do any cardiovascular exercises.
There are better and more efficient ways than spending hours on a tread mill.
So in the next 7 articles I'll detail the steps you can take to burn that fat! And keep it off!