Cars & Vehicles Safe Driving & Driving Test Techniques

Things That Can Fail You on the California Driving Test

    Improper Lane Changes

    • If you're on the road driving during your test and change lanes without signaling, it will negatively affect your score, as will changing lanes without looking in your rearview or side mirrors, not looking over your shoulder to check your blind spot, or significantly speeding up or slowing down to change lanes. Individually, these mistakes won't cause you to fail a test, but a combination of mistakes can lower your score to the point of failure.

    Incorrect Turns

    • If you fail to slow down before making a right-hand or left-hand turn, it can negatively affect your test score. Also, if you fail to stay in the correct lane during a turn, fail to see or react to any hazards while making a turn, or fail to yield the right of way when necessary, it will negatively affect your score and could result in a test failure.

    Poor Freeway Driving

    • If during your driving test, you fail to check the flow of traffic before entering a freeway, or fail to properly time your entry onto the freeway, this can be grounds for failure of the test. Additionally, if you don't check your mirrors and over your shoulder before merging into traffic, the evaluator riding along could take it as an indication that you're not yet prepared to drive on the freeway, and fail you.

    Bad Defensive Driving

    • Due to occasionally very high traffic volumes, defensive driving techniques are some of the most important skills any California motorist can have. So demonstrating such techniques, such as following other vehicles at a safe distance, keeping an eye on traffic signs and signal lights, and checking cross streets before passing through intersections are imperative during a driving test. Demonstrating one or more bad defensive driving techniques can cause you to fail a driving test.

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