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How to Build in Bookcase Around a Window

    • 1). Design your bookcase by drawing out on paper what you want it to look like. This depends on the size of the window you have and the amount of wall space you have on either side of the window.

    • 2). Take some measurements of the wall up and around the window. Write down the measurements on your design to help you figure out how long to cut your pieces of wood and how much wood you will need to complete the project.

    • 3). Measure and mark off the lengths of pine for the actual shelves. Cut using a circular saw. Set these aside.

    • 4). Measure and mark on four of the uncut lengths for the side pieces of the bookcase. The outsides of the bookcase will be longer than the insides of the bookcase as the insides will go up against the window.

    • 5). Measure and mark off where you want to place the shelves on the outside of the bookcase. A good distance between shelves is about 12 to 18 inches.

    • 6). Use a drill and wood screws to attach one side of the shelves to the outside of the bookcase. Only attach the shelves that will go against the side of the window, not the ones that will go over the window.

    • 7). Attach the short side of the bookcase to the other side of the shelves. Set this up against one side of the window.

    • 8). Repeat Steps 4 through 7 to make the other side of the bookcase.

    • 9). Attach the longer shelves to go across the top of the window using the drill and the screws.

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      Lay the entire bookcase down on the floor with the backside up. Measure and cut three pieces of plywood to fit on the back of the bookcase.

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      Attach the three back pieces to the bookcase using the hammer and finishing nails; one on either side and one across the top.

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      Set the bookcase back up against the wall. Secure the shelf to the wall by screwing through the back into the wall studs.

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