Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Diet Programs And Meals - The Blood Type A Diet

The Blood Type A Diet is one of several interrelated diets that depend on the individual's blood type. These 4 diets all promise weight loss, eliminate toxins and fat from the organism, fight against some illnesses, and slow the aging process. Blood type A, in which A stands for agriculture, originated in Asia and the Middle East. Here are some of the diet principles.

Reduce to a minimum your consumption of meat, especially red meat. Eat fish three or four days a week. Stay away from whole milk. Put an accent on vegetable proteins such as legumes. Whole grains are also good for you. Eat three fruits a day. Start the day with a glass of hot water perhaps with lemon juice. This diet comes with a long list of foods to eat and foods to avoid. Even among the favored food groups such as fish and vegetables plenty of items should be avoided. For example, stay away from whitefish, herring, anchovies, catfish, and several other fish and seafood. Good choices include salmon, trout, snails, cod, sardines, perch, and mackerel. There is also a list of suggested supplements. Clearly it isn't possible to follow this diet without a book. Suggested activities include yoga and meditation.

Advantages of this diet include improving the state of your cells and immune system. Its foods are varied and healthy. Disadvantages include the need for food supplements, in part due to low protein and iron intake.

Here are two sample menus:
Menu 1
Breakfast: A poached egg. A skim-milk yogurt. A bowl of blueberries. Grapefruit juice. Tea or coffee.
Lunch: A green salad with cucumbers. Miso soup. A slice of wheat-germ bread.
The mid-afternoon snack is 2 plums and a tea.
Supper: Baked trout. Spinach. Turnip puree.

Menu 2
Breakfast: A bowl of corn flakes with soy milk. A bowl of cherries. Apricot juice. Tea or coffee.
Lunch: Tofu omelet with fresh herbs. Leeks. A slice of wheat-germ bread. A glass of soy milk.
The mid-afternoon snack is a bowl of skim-milk yogurt with blackberries.
Supper: A green salad. Thick Salmon slice. Spinach. Fruit salad.

Some information in this article comes from a fascinating new book, La Bible des Regimes, written by Jenny de Jonquieres and published by Amerik Media. Her book describes over 80 diets and weight reduction programs. Each diet is presented with 5 menu plans, a detailed discussion of its advantages and disadvantages, and lots more. La Bible des Regimes is presently available only in French.

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