Myths in Fat Loss
We live in a contradicting world with ever-changing opinions, especially when it comes to health and fitness.
I am sure that when reading this short piece, you will find a statement that you believe to be false.
At the end of the day we all have our own minds to make up so you can pretty much believe what ever you want.
Below I have given some popular beliefs that are incorrect when it comes to fat loss.
You can either digest or ditch this information - the decision is up to you.
Cardio training is better for fat loss than lifting weights.
This is quite an old statement and to be honest, most people are now educated enough to believe this is not true.
If you are after fat loss then you can follow several routes, some of which are not recommended for health reasons, however, for simplicity sake, follow these guidelines and you can not go wrong:
OK, so if you reduce calories to the point where you are in a calorie deficit then, yes you may lose weight.
Now, the weight you actually lose will mostly be muscle which is not ideal.
Low calorie diets do not work long term.
If you are obese and eat over 3 thousand calories a day then you may benefit from a low calorie diet...
If you fall into the obese category and eat junk foods all day, every day then you really need to change your dietary habits.
Stick to healthy proteins and fats and above-ground vegetables, get your butt to the gym (no running on treadmills as you have too much body weight for your knees to cope with, which will result in an injury) and you will lose the weight! Also, drink plenty of water!! Take fat loss pills to speed up your metabolism.
A lot of fat loss pills on the market are stimulants which temporarily increase heart rate.
These do not permanently speed up ones metabolic rate.
And because of the stimulant nature of the drug, it will reduce your appetite.
You may be thinking, "that's great because I need to eat less anyway.
" That may be the case but these drugs can cause long term health implications.
Also, if you take too many of these weight loss pills you may end up becoming addicted.
If you really want to speed up your metabolism then follow an intense resistance training programme! Doing abdominal crunches will reduce your fat around your stomach.
Again, another old classic! If all we needed to do was sit-ups every day to lose our gut then don't you think we'd all be walking around with the desirable "six pack.
" It actually makes me laugh when I turn on the TV sometimes first thing and companies are still trying to sell their 'perfect' ab machine.
You would have to be completely naive to believe this utter garbage works.
Losing the gut and love handles comes down to several things such as eating 'clean,' intense training (not crunches), stress reduction and getting plenty of rest.
Endurance training is the best way to lose fat off my thighs.
This may be true for some, however, if you've been trying this for months or even years and have had no success, then it's time to modify your training programme.
Excess fat around the thighs may be a hormonal imbalance with too much oestrogen roaming around in your body.
There are many causes of this, however, I will not digress.
If you are having trouble losing the lower body fat then I'd suggest getting yourself a personal trainer and a Bio-signature assessment done.
So there you have a few common myths on fat loss.
I will write out a few more soon so keep posted.
I am sure that when reading this short piece, you will find a statement that you believe to be false.
At the end of the day we all have our own minds to make up so you can pretty much believe what ever you want.
Below I have given some popular beliefs that are incorrect when it comes to fat loss.
You can either digest or ditch this information - the decision is up to you.
Cardio training is better for fat loss than lifting weights.
This is quite an old statement and to be honest, most people are now educated enough to believe this is not true.
If you are after fat loss then you can follow several routes, some of which are not recommended for health reasons, however, for simplicity sake, follow these guidelines and you can not go wrong:
- Resistance training 3 or 4 times a week.
Making sure you change your programmes on a regular basis.
Use mainly big compound lifts such as squats, dead lifts, lunges, military presses, chins etc... - If you are carb-intolerant ditch foods like bread, rice, pasta, potatoes, and eat more quality proteins, greens and good fats.
- Stress management - stress plays a huge roll in fat loss.
If you are constantly stressed then try relaxation exercises such as yoga, tai chi and meditation to help bring stress levels down.
OK, so if you reduce calories to the point where you are in a calorie deficit then, yes you may lose weight.
Now, the weight you actually lose will mostly be muscle which is not ideal.
Low calorie diets do not work long term.
If you are obese and eat over 3 thousand calories a day then you may benefit from a low calorie diet...
If you fall into the obese category and eat junk foods all day, every day then you really need to change your dietary habits.
Stick to healthy proteins and fats and above-ground vegetables, get your butt to the gym (no running on treadmills as you have too much body weight for your knees to cope with, which will result in an injury) and you will lose the weight! Also, drink plenty of water!! Take fat loss pills to speed up your metabolism.
A lot of fat loss pills on the market are stimulants which temporarily increase heart rate.
These do not permanently speed up ones metabolic rate.
And because of the stimulant nature of the drug, it will reduce your appetite.
You may be thinking, "that's great because I need to eat less anyway.
" That may be the case but these drugs can cause long term health implications.
Also, if you take too many of these weight loss pills you may end up becoming addicted.
If you really want to speed up your metabolism then follow an intense resistance training programme! Doing abdominal crunches will reduce your fat around your stomach.
Again, another old classic! If all we needed to do was sit-ups every day to lose our gut then don't you think we'd all be walking around with the desirable "six pack.
" It actually makes me laugh when I turn on the TV sometimes first thing and companies are still trying to sell their 'perfect' ab machine.
You would have to be completely naive to believe this utter garbage works.
Losing the gut and love handles comes down to several things such as eating 'clean,' intense training (not crunches), stress reduction and getting plenty of rest.
Endurance training is the best way to lose fat off my thighs.
This may be true for some, however, if you've been trying this for months or even years and have had no success, then it's time to modify your training programme.
Excess fat around the thighs may be a hormonal imbalance with too much oestrogen roaming around in your body.
There are many causes of this, however, I will not digress.
If you are having trouble losing the lower body fat then I'd suggest getting yourself a personal trainer and a Bio-signature assessment done.
So there you have a few common myths on fat loss.
I will write out a few more soon so keep posted.