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What Happens When a Judgement Is Filed Against You?

    Judgment Creditor

    • A plaintiff who obtains a judgment becomes a judgment creditor and can utilize all of the post-judgment collection procedures authorized by law against a judgment debtor to obtain satisfaction for his judgment.

    Default Judgment

    • Upon application to the court, a plaintiff may obtain a default judgment when a defendant fails to properly respond to the complaint within the time specified by the court rules.

    Removing A Default Judgment

    • A defendant may seek to vacate or dismiss a default judgment if he can demonstrate to the court that he was not properly served with notice about the plaintiff's complaint.

    Post-Judgment Collection Remedies

    • Subject to approval by the court, a judgment creditor can seek to attach the assets of a judgment debtor, place a lien on his property or garnish his wages.

    Public Record

    • Since a judgment is a matter of public record, it may appear as a negative trade reference on a debtor's credit report.

    Satisfying A Judgment

    • A judgment is extinguished upon payment of the remaining amount of the balance due on the judgment.

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