Symptoms Of Hepatitis B And C
The liver is one of the most complex organs in the body. Besides the manufacture of cholesterol and certain proteins used by the body and storing glycogen (sugar), which is released into the bloodstream, as glucose is needed, the liver also has a main function to detoxify harmful substances that have been taken into the body. Hepatitis is a serious inflammation of the liver and is usually caused by certain types of viruses, however there are some types of bacteria that can also cause hepatitis. Hepatitis can be either acute or chronic. Acute is the rapid onset with severe symptoms and for a short time. Chronic is long standing and can come on slowly, with or without any symptoms and last for a long time.
Most of the known viruses do not affect the liver. When doctors speak about hepatitis, they are usually referring to any of the five viruses identified that primarily attack the liver and are referred to as types A, B, C, D and E. Each of these viruses can result in the sudden onset of symptoms (acute), which varies from several days to a few weeks and can include jaundice (yellowing of the skin and white part of the eyes), dark colored urine, feeling very fatigued, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. It can take several months to a year for you to experience normal health again.
Hepatitis B is spread through the blood and by sexual contact. Hepatitis B causes almost identical symptoms. You may also experience a loss of appetite. You may actually have hepatitis B, but have no symptoms. Hepatitis B is a more serious form of viral hepatitis. About 10 percent of people with hepatitis B will develop chronic hepatitis, a long-term inflammation of the liver that in some cases causes worsening liver damage and even cirrhosis. Hepatitis B spreads mainly through blood and bloody fluids, sexual contact, and contaminated needles used with intravenous drugs. It can also be spread if needles used for tattooing, acupuncture, or ear piercing is contaminated. In years past, blood transfusions were also at fault.
Hepatitis C, like hepatitis B is also spread by contaminated blood. You may experience similar symptoms of loss of appetite, fatigue, nausea, and jaundice. There is currently no vaccine for Hepatitis C. it spreads mainly through blood transfusions and through contaminated needles used for IV drugs. It can also be spread by sexual relations and tattooing. Symptoms usually appear 1 to 10 weeks after exposure. Often symptoms are less severe than they are for hepatitis A and B, and jaundice may not develop. Like hepatitis B, hepatitis C can lead to chronic hepatitis.
The hepatitis virus starts infecting liver cells, and the first symptoms of the disease start appearing after two or three months. Over time scarring of the liver occurs, which leads to all the symptoms of the disease - constant tiredness, lack of focus, vomiting, and not feeling well in general. Scientists are working on some new herbal cures, which are designed to block the enzyme, which the HCV virus uses in order to replicate. In many people, infection does not occur, even after exposure to the virus. That is due to the better functioning of the extracellular matrix in some people, and many other factors, such as a stronger immune system. Researchers are constantly trying to find ways to transfer that same defense mechanism that healthy people have, and get it to work for people who are already HCV positive. So far, they have had some success, but a new cure which will get rid of the infection completely is still in the making.
Most of the known viruses do not affect the liver. When doctors speak about hepatitis, they are usually referring to any of the five viruses identified that primarily attack the liver and are referred to as types A, B, C, D and E. Each of these viruses can result in the sudden onset of symptoms (acute), which varies from several days to a few weeks and can include jaundice (yellowing of the skin and white part of the eyes), dark colored urine, feeling very fatigued, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. It can take several months to a year for you to experience normal health again.
Hepatitis B is spread through the blood and by sexual contact. Hepatitis B causes almost identical symptoms. You may also experience a loss of appetite. You may actually have hepatitis B, but have no symptoms. Hepatitis B is a more serious form of viral hepatitis. About 10 percent of people with hepatitis B will develop chronic hepatitis, a long-term inflammation of the liver that in some cases causes worsening liver damage and even cirrhosis. Hepatitis B spreads mainly through blood and bloody fluids, sexual contact, and contaminated needles used with intravenous drugs. It can also be spread if needles used for tattooing, acupuncture, or ear piercing is contaminated. In years past, blood transfusions were also at fault.
Hepatitis C, like hepatitis B is also spread by contaminated blood. You may experience similar symptoms of loss of appetite, fatigue, nausea, and jaundice. There is currently no vaccine for Hepatitis C. it spreads mainly through blood transfusions and through contaminated needles used for IV drugs. It can also be spread by sexual relations and tattooing. Symptoms usually appear 1 to 10 weeks after exposure. Often symptoms are less severe than they are for hepatitis A and B, and jaundice may not develop. Like hepatitis B, hepatitis C can lead to chronic hepatitis.
The hepatitis virus starts infecting liver cells, and the first symptoms of the disease start appearing after two or three months. Over time scarring of the liver occurs, which leads to all the symptoms of the disease - constant tiredness, lack of focus, vomiting, and not feeling well in general. Scientists are working on some new herbal cures, which are designed to block the enzyme, which the HCV virus uses in order to replicate. In many people, infection does not occur, even after exposure to the virus. That is due to the better functioning of the extracellular matrix in some people, and many other factors, such as a stronger immune system. Researchers are constantly trying to find ways to transfer that same defense mechanism that healthy people have, and get it to work for people who are already HCV positive. So far, they have had some success, but a new cure which will get rid of the infection completely is still in the making.