Health & Medical Lose Weight

Skinny Jeans Dilemma

If you are not ready to change your life yet and that's okay.
I respect and admire your honesty.
Being authentic in your journey is key to success.
No one can help you get better until it becomes an all-consuming obsession for you and only you.
That being said, it will be very difficult to fit into those skinny jeans this spring if you don't take some drastic action today..
and I'm going to show you how.
The "eat whatever you want and lose weight" statement is what has built the weight loss industry into a multi-billion-dollar industry.
We want a painless, no sacrifice, great time, good food quick fix for our thunder thighs.
We want to continue to eat the unhealthy food that contribute to illness, obesity and disease all the while desiring to be Learn to be lean and dimple free.
We don't know what true results of driven "moderation" are and that's why we never get the body we want.
We think stopping at a fast food restaurant and having a milk shake and fries only once a week is moderation.
Or drinking alcohol daily and eating a huge slice of your favorite cheesecake once a week will give you the skinny jeans thighs you want.
Some people have written to me and think that allowing one day a week of eat whatever we want will help us reach our weight loss goals as well.
What people are finding are little results and more frustration as the result.
Moderation means to eat "a small piece of candy" or desert maybe once a month.
Yikes! Wow! Only once a month? Eliminating alcohol for the entire time you are losing weight is the only way you will succeed.
The same is true with all the other favorite foods that sent us on the road to obesity in the first place.
These are what I call, high trigger foods, foods that will cause binges over time and will hinder weight loss success.
My clients, who have lost the weight and are healthy and fit, are the ones who have learned to eat properly and have learned the strategies and have implemented the skills taught in my program.
They are vibrant, healthy, beautiful, and youthful.
They have energy, love life, and are living their dreams.
Isn't that worth more than a slice of Vinnie's Pizza or a dish of Aunt Lula Belle's peach cobbler? Are we governed by food? Driven by the grease? Or are we strong, confident, and self-controlled people with a purpose and a mission? I know you can do it, and by giving this new nutrition program a chance to work and become a habit, you WILL see permanent results! I had a client who would not give up corn chips.
The chips were advertised to be healthy, but it was hindering her weight loss efforts.
Eating healthy chips, popcorn, and high fat nuts may-not be considered "sin foods", yet they ARE considered high in calories.
Eating cookies and cake at every birthday party invited we're invited to, will not lead to weight loss success.
Not being willing to change one snack for a snack that is "truly healthy" like fruit or a fat free dessert, will make our weight loss efforts almost hopeless.
You must be willing to change.
Be willing to implement the strategies and skills outlined in my program or you can kiss those skinny jeans good bye.
Be willing to be the Best You! You are worth it!

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