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Best Evergreen Trees For Privacy

When selecting trees for your privacy hedge there are a few things to consider such as how high you want your hedge to be, how wide of a space you have to fill and the reason you are planting a hedge.
Boxwood shrubs are one of the most popular choices for privacy hedges since it is very versatile.
They work good as a hedge because of their dense foliage and unique growth pattern.
They grow best in sunlight with partial shade and need to be watered quite regularly.
Boxwood shrubs are easily to trim into the shape or design that you prefer.
There are a variety of shrubs to choose from depending on the size of your space and the foliage colors of each variety.
English Boxwood shrubs also known as dwarf shrubs are one of the most popular boxwood shrubs which can grow to a height of 3 feet.
English Boxwood shrubs are a great choice if you are looking for a lower hedge.
If you are looking for trees for a higher hedge, consider Privet hedges.
Shrubs of Privet hedges grow to 4 - 15 feet high and 4 to 8 feet in width.
They have white flowers in the late spring and early summer, with berries before they bloom.
Privet hedges can be evergreen, semi-evergreen or deciduous.
For even more privacy, the mature height of Common Privet is 12 to 15 feet and mature width is 10 to 12 feet.
Common Privet is is also a good choice to add color to the hedges since they have white flowers but they do have an unpleasant scent in the late spring.
California Privet is a semi-evergreen shrub which is native to Japan, not California.
The typical height of the California Privet is about 15 feet high.
It is used typically in public landscaping, however its pollen may trigger hay fever in some people who are more susceptible.
Shrubs are common for hedges in providing privacy which need little maintenance.
They only need to be watered and pruned regularly.
Some are evergreen and other have small flowers to add additional color in the late spring or early summer.
One thing to consider is that some have unpleasant scents at certain times and may affect allergies and hay fever for certain individuals.
evergreen shrubs make the best hedges because they are thick, dense and stay green year round.
Top hedges are boxwoods, privet and hemlock trees.

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