Health & Medical Parenting

Transition to Adulthood in Missouri

In Missouri, planning for the transition to adulthood starts years before eligibility for services through the school district ends. I asked Michelle Levi-Perez, program coordinator for MPACT in Kansas City, to give us a quick overview of adulthood-transition services and planning in Missouri and suggest some things parents can do to get started.

How does the transition from special education to adulthood work in Missouri?

In Missouri, transition begins at sixteen, but we certainly encourage families to start thinking and planning for transition well before that!

[Download a Student Transition Inventory.]

Who should a parent contact about transition services?

Their LEA (local education agency -- school district). [Download a brochure on Regional Transition Networks, which also help with transition planning.]

Do you have any advice about transition to adulthood in Missouri?

The process should begin as soon as possible. Contact MPACT for training as well as the resources on our website.
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About MPACT:MPACT is a statewide parent training and information center that serves parents of children with all disabilities. Our primary goal is to assist parents in their effort to effectively advocate for their children's educational rights and services. MPACT staff and volunteers are located throughout Missouri and work with public and private agencies, parent groups, professional organizations and advocacy groups to achieve that goal. Parents can contact MPACT at (800) 743-7634 or

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