Fastest Way to Lose 15-20 Pounds of Fat - Lose Fat Quick and Easy
Did you know that the fastest way to lose 15-20 pounds of fat is to focus not on avoiding food but to embrace it! Today I'll explain a revolutionary way in which you can expect to lose massive amounts of weight with very little effort at all.
Best of all you don't need to exercise, take fat burners or starve to death in order to see results.
Find out now the best way to lose fat quick and easy.
How the Metabolism Works The interesting thing about your body is that it responds to certain stimuli in order to have a reaction, when there is a lack of stimulus your body becomes in-active.
This is the reason why exercise (which stimulates) causes the body to burn so much fat and why being in-active does nothing.
This also applies to eating and not eating.
When you're eating your body is much more likely to burn fat based on the fact that it feels safe to, due to a sufficient amount of calories entering into the body.
Why Calorie Shifting Works! However when you turn this around on its head and have an in-sufficient amount of calories enter the body, well suddenly now you're stuck with a body that doesn't feel "safe" to lose any weight since it suddenly feels as though food stores have been cut short.
This is a mechanism that has developed in humans over hundreds and maybe thousands of years.
Dieting has only been big in the last 50 or so years, so it's unlikely to expect that our bodies will be changing around any time soon to suit our weight loss needs.
This is the reason why the calorie shifting diet is currently the #1 way to burn body fat without exercise.
It's far more effective than starving the body because when all is said and done a low calorie diet negatively impacts your metabolism leaving you vulnerable to putting on weight afterwards.
With calorie shifting often people burn fat for weeks on end even after they finish the diet!
Best of all you don't need to exercise, take fat burners or starve to death in order to see results.
Find out now the best way to lose fat quick and easy.
How the Metabolism Works The interesting thing about your body is that it responds to certain stimuli in order to have a reaction, when there is a lack of stimulus your body becomes in-active.
This is the reason why exercise (which stimulates) causes the body to burn so much fat and why being in-active does nothing.
This also applies to eating and not eating.
When you're eating your body is much more likely to burn fat based on the fact that it feels safe to, due to a sufficient amount of calories entering into the body.
Why Calorie Shifting Works! However when you turn this around on its head and have an in-sufficient amount of calories enter the body, well suddenly now you're stuck with a body that doesn't feel "safe" to lose any weight since it suddenly feels as though food stores have been cut short.
This is a mechanism that has developed in humans over hundreds and maybe thousands of years.
Dieting has only been big in the last 50 or so years, so it's unlikely to expect that our bodies will be changing around any time soon to suit our weight loss needs.
This is the reason why the calorie shifting diet is currently the #1 way to burn body fat without exercise.
It's far more effective than starving the body because when all is said and done a low calorie diet negatively impacts your metabolism leaving you vulnerable to putting on weight afterwards.
With calorie shifting often people burn fat for weeks on end even after they finish the diet!