Health & Medical Adolescent Health

Might You be the Parent of a Minor or Maybe a Teen Who Uses the Internet?

Are you the parent of a child or a teen who uses the Internet? If so, you likely already know that the internet can be a dangerous place for a child, especially if your child uses online chat rooms or social interaction websites. That is the reason why, there are a number of steps that you, as a parent, will want to take to protect your child when they use the Internet.

The first step that you should take, in order to keep your child safe online, is to know as much as possible about computers and the internet. Did you know that there are ways for you to see which websites have been visited on a computer?

Are you aware that some computers already have parental controls installed on them that just need to be set? You can only benefit from these tools that can help to protect your child if you know that they do exist.

Child protection is not the responsibility of any individual person. It is the responsibility of every individual. Everyone should see to it children are not abused in any form. Everybody should ensure that children in their area not physically, sexually or emotionally harassed.

 Although lawmakers in United States passed the online Child Protection Act, it was never enforced. The law stated that minors who are less than 18 years should be restricted from websites that showcase harmful sexual material. The Supreme court argued that, because this act violates freedom of speech it cannot be implemented.

Even though the Supreme Court is technically correct in that aspect, making a decision what to allow your offspring to see is your decision. I emphasize it is NOT the Governments job to safeguard our children. It is the responsibility of all of us to protect all children.

Today available in the market there are numerous software packages available that will restrict your child from such websites. These are popularly known as child protection internet software. If you have any problem in restricting your son or daughter from these unwanted websites, you then should install child protection internet software on your computer.

Websites containing insidious information can be easily blocked using this software. So without any kind of worry or fear you can leave the house, even if your children are alone in the house. Some emails, P2P connection, instant messages and chat sessions contain inappropriate information. If you don't want your child to read these words then you can conveniently block these emails and instant messages using child protection internet software.

Those who have internet connectivity should immediately install this software on their computer. Using this software internet traffic can be restricted to a certain extent. Depending on the maturity and habits of your family members, you can assign every member, a different restriction level.

Be forewarned! Your teenage children being teenagers, have friends who share and talk about what they have watched on Internet. They can and will go to their friend's house when the parents are out and view it on their computer.There are ways to bring families in your community together, church meetings, Parent Teachers meetings anything you can imagine. Bring them together to fight sex education in your schools.

Teaching them about sex is not their job either. It is YOUR job. I feel strongly that sex education in schools at an early age promulgates unhealthy curiosity. That is the curiosity that drives children to sites I'm certain you do not want them viewing. Chat rooms open the door to pedophiles who will insidiously draw your child into a trap.

Don't permit the Government make you believe they are acting in your child's best interest because you are not capable of doing so. Take a computer course at the local computer club to learn how to use these programs. Use them in addition to the built in "Parental Controls" available within your browser, whatever it is.

Some teacher instructing your child how to put a condom on a cucumber is not conducive to his or her well being. It is not readin', writin' or ‘rithmatic is it?

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