Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

How To Read The Body Language Of Your Date

It is a fact that women send out an estimated 5 times more body language signals than men.
However, men do not understand them as quickly as women understand body language.
Women are expert in sending signals which may be sexual or emotional; used for attracting a person or informing him that they dislike him.
A man has to be quick to understand the body language of a woman he is out on a date with.
Look out for these signs: Signal 1: A distinct smile: A girl's smile can be of many types; from a flashy smile to a ravishing one.
While in conversation, if you happen to look up and catch her eye, and she smiles and looks away.
She may be embarrassed.
If she smiles continuously chances are she is not being too polite.
Signal 2: Hair play A woman playing with her hair, also called as preening, is a sure shot clue that she is interested in you.
Twirling it, flipping it or tucking it behind the ears is a good sign.
These signs are the most common signals of flirting.
Look out for these on your first date.
Signal 3: Body language If your date crosses her legs, uncrosses them and then directly crosses them in the other direction, be aware that she is flirting with you.
If her leg is crossed towards you or her shoulders are angled towards you then consider these as good indicators of expressing her interest in you.
Signal 4: Sensuous Lips: Most men find a woman's lips quite stimulating.
A woman may send signals by eating slowly as it brings attention to her lips.
Wetting her lips quite frequently indicates that she may allow you to pay closer attention towards her lips, that is she will allow you to kiss her sooner than later! Signal 5: Frequent glances It has been rightly said that the eyes are windows to a girl's heart.
If the glances are too frequent, or she is looking at you the way she has never looked before, chances are very high that she is interested in you.

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