Health & Medical Diabetes

Diabetes Type 2 and Weight Loss - How to Make it Happen

I am sure that every diabetic type 2 has been told to lose weight.
Why do the doctors put so much emphasis on losing weight? Too many extra pounds can actually cause diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and heart disease.
There is an epidemic in the United States today mainly because of the abundance of food available and the size of the portions given.
How to lose weight? Cut your portion size down to two thirds or even half.
Cut your calories down that you consume every day.
Multiple your weight times 10 which should give you're the calories a day.
Example: female that weighs 120 lb.
then multiple by 10 and you receive 1200 kcal a day.
If you are active then add an extra 10% for the activity which would give her 1320 calories per day.
A very active male can add 40% extra.
Now you will decide how you use those calories each day.
How many of the 1320 calories will be protein, carbohydrates and fat.
Usually carbohydrates will be 40% of your calories.
Make your carbohydrates whole grain bread, oats, whole grain pasta, and wild rice.
Protein should be fish, baked chicken without skin and lean meats.
Watch your alcohol intake because this adds a lot of calories and no nutrients and raises your blood sugar.
Weight reduction can be difficult at times, because what we eat is usually a habit.
We have to change our mind set, set our goals and stick with the changes.
There is evidence that the body wants to keep that weight.
For instance, even people that have had liposuction the fat cells that are left tend to swell up and hold more fat.
This is a battle that can be won.
It will take a diabetic meal plan and an attitude that says this can and will happen.
What are you waiting for?

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