Society & Culture & Entertainment Holidays & party

Ideas for Fake Body Parts for a Halloween Activity

    The Witch's Parts

    • This is a fun Halloween activity that is sure to have your guests grossed out and giggling. For this activity, your guests are blindfolded before they dip their hands into bowls to feel the various "parts" of a dead witch. Use peeled grapes for the "eyeballs," spaghetti for the "intestines," candy corn for the "teeth," a peeled tomato for the "heart" and a cauliflower for the "brain." Preface the activity with a spooky story about a witch who died and fell to pieces.

    Frankenstein Scavenger Hunt

    • This activity works like a regular scavenger hunt, only the objects that are being found are parts to make a Frankenstein monster. Before your guests arrive, hide various fake body parts around your house and yard. Purchase fake body parts at a Halloween supply store or simply cut body part shapes out of heavy paper and decorate them with paint. Send your party guests on a hunt to find them all, then come together to assemble the Frankenstein monster when they are done.

    Pin the Part on the Monster

    • This is a fun Halloween twist on Pin the Tail on the Donkey. Get a life-sized cut out of a classic monster, such as Wolfman, Frankenstein or Dracula, and hang it up on your wall. Give one guest a part of the monster, such as the tail for Wolfman, the nuts and bolts for Frankenstein or the fangs for Dracula, and blindfold him. Spin the person around until he is disoriented, then have him try to stick the part in the right place.

    Bobbing for Eyeballs

    • Bobbing for apples is fun, but if you want to give it a gross Halloween twist, why not use eyeballs instead? Purchase large white ping pong balls and use stickers or a marker to make them look like eyeballs. Put several in a basin of water and have guests take turns trying to pick them up in their mouths with their hands behind their backs. The guest to pull the most "eyes" from the water wins the game.

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