Health & Medical Body building

Six Pack Abs - The Never Before Revealed Secrets to Get Them

There isn't a man in the world who does not want to flaunt six pack abs a la his favorite movie star.
However, although washboard abs make it easy to get the attention of the opposite sex; getting six pack abs is by no means as easy task.
So here are some never before revealed secrets to get six pack abs quickly and maintain them for as long as you want Why is it so hard to get six pack abs? We are genetically designed to store fat in the belly area; all the fat and sugar laden, carbohydrate rich junk food often finds its way straight to our belly and it is not uncommon to see even normally healthy men sporting a pot belly.
Unfortunately, although it is very easy to put on weight in the midriff area of the body, it is not so easy to lose those inches which is why you will need to follow a diligent and meticulous plan to get six pack abs that not only includes proper eating but also a variety of exercises that target all the muscle groups in the mid section area.
Secrets to get six pack abs fast! Eating Ensure that your diet contains a lot of healthy fat while trying to eradicate most of the transfats that turn into inches on your belly and also cause several health conditions such as cardiac disorders.
Food items that are rich sources of healthy fats include seeds, nuts, extra virgin olive oil, egg yolk, coconut oil, avocados etc.
Another benefit of consuming nuts half an hour before your meals is that they help to suppress your appetite; limiting your calorie intake.
Where should you start? The answer to this question will depend on your physical shape and your BMI; if you have put on too many pounds, you will need to loose the fat first before you start sculpting your ab muscles.
Start with brisk cardio a few times a week for an hour to two hours a day depending on how much weight you need to loose.
However, once the excess inches have been shed, you will need to follow a targeted exercise regimen that includes a variety of exercises from cardio to resistance and crunches.
One of the most important things to remember when trying to get a toned mid section is that you will need to constantly challenge your body.
The moment you feel comfortable with a certain weight, push it up a notch to see well defined and quick results in the abdominal area.
Oblique exercises should also form a part of your exercise routine; twisting movements target the oblique muscles; giving them a well defined look.
It is also imperative to limit the number of repetitions; you don't have to go through a regimen of 100 ab exercises to get a well defined midriff; what you do need is a variety of exercises so that your body is never lulled into a comfort zone where the exercises start losing their efficacy.
So, limit your self to two to three sets of each routine.
How can I get six pack abs? There are two ways in which you can work towards getting the elusive six pack; you could ether hire the services of a personal trainer which is not always a feasible option in terms of cost or you could avail the benefits offered by several programs available online.
These products combine videos, tutorials, nutrition guides and all the information that you will need to get six pack abs.
You may need to purchase some fitness equipment but most of them are not very expensive and will last you for years to come; so, they are definitely a worthwhile investment.

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